Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Can A Man Truly Be Innocent, If Charged With Assault?

Out of the blue, or so it seems, my Anastasia The StorytellerBeyond Gender Tyranny, The Online Course co-host, Steve, has been charged with physical assault against a female.

Isn’t that something else!!!! 

He says he’ innocent!

"No, not me," he says.

I believe him. 

Where do we go from here?

As a professional coach, as well as a retired psychotherapist with forty-five years of experience working with both subtle violence and full-blown violence in relationships, I have been involved with this couple, extensively, diagnosing the woman as seriously dysfunctional and unstable, even vicious, at times. 

I would, if need be, stand by Steve in court should he ask me to do so, though things have not gotten this far, yet. I believe in his innocence however. Of course, I could be wrong. I wasn’t actually on the scene.

For the time being there is merely a restraining order on the docket and the complications that go with it, such as stipulations, for thirty days, no contact between the parties, and she is to get her things out of his house, asap, where she had been living with him for close to three years.

Needless to say Steve is in a tense situation these days. How very fortuitous for our radio show programming. Kinda makes me wonder, if the gods haven’t gone a bit crazy, again, on our behalf, in this time of #MeToo.

So here it is; gender tyranny now being featured in my own backyard: first, me with my all-pervading Ethics Complaint against a former professional mentor where I am the complainant, next Steve, an identified perpetrator. #MeToo and gender tyranny is everywhere!

Those crazy gods, somewhere out in the universe, seem to be intent on giving, not only the mainstream media, but us, too, an abundance of material to work with. In our case, for our two radio shows, fertile stuff, as all get out, to make for rich storytelling and story listening, in this era of #MeToo. As if we would have no other resources for our show, beyond ourselves which, of course, is far from the truth these days.

This morning I asked Steve what he would like us to discuss on our forthcoming Anastasia The Storyteller Radio Show for this week’s online discussion. His response was that he wanted to talk about how he is now seeing what a woman can do as payback in this day and age, even with a charge against him, which he asserts did not actually occur. 

Last week, when he was still in shock from the police serving him with papers and the court hearing that followed, Steve was all about wanting to “lean in” and look at how he had contributed to this nasty relationship breakup (the relationship wasn’t very good either) that he is now going through.  My guidance for him to be a role model for our Beyond Gender Tyranny Online Course listeners, had been for him to point his finger back at himself, rather than casting blame on her,. 

At that point, Steve even went so far as to identify the woman in the situation as “very nice.” 

Later, in listening to our discussion on podcast, I noticed that in a period of less than three minutes, beginning around the seventeen minute mark into the show, Steve went from “she is a very nice woman,” who he held to be his “angel” to “She is not a good person.” and “She would bring me down a lot.”  Obviously he hadn’t yet settled his mind on what she was for him. 

You can hear Steve’s online mental sorting, if you listen to the podcast, in our first Beyond Gender Tyranny, The Online Course lesson, linked here.

This week Steve is beginning to lean in more to feeling set up and being angry.

What comes next, on this new adventure of his – and – consequently for our two radio shows?

For sure, this week’s program will have a lot of Steve storytelling and Anastasia story listening on --

Saturday, June 30 11:30 a.m.

Beyond that, what happens next could be anybody’s guess.

On Steve’s end, last night he bought himself a puppy so he will be less lonely when his former Beloved takes out her belongings this week, including her dog to which he had become attached. 

As for me, I’ve got all kinds of considerations to pay attention to, including my own personal Ethics Complaint, which rather than being difficult to manage these days, is moving forward smoothly with my getting lots of much-needed support and compassion on the part of my professional association where my complaint has been lodged.

So the world turns!

Want to share your gender tyranny stories or your successes of moving beyond gender tyranny, join us on the air this coming Saturday. 

Our call in number is – Guest:  646.564.9608. 

Be sure to push 1 on your phone to get into the queue in our studio.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Introducing: Moving Beyond Gender Tyranny, The Online Course

(Note to radio show listeners: The sound quality on the podcast of this show is uneven, probably do to flood and weather conditions in our area. One minute the sound diminishes. Then it recovers. The substance of this show is worth the effort, nonetheless. However, don't expect to easily comprehend all that is discussed with just one listen.)

Begins this coming Saturday, bringing you great information resources, sponsored by New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace,” Beyond Gender Tyranny Initiative --  to guide you on your adventure of moving beyond gender tyranny.

Blog articles to keep you informed on programs, projects and healthy problem solving perspectives and techniques from our Beyond Gender Tyranny Movement, here, on this New Horizons Blog Site.

Two Online Radio Show programs, with two different #MeToo-oriented tones to provide you with comprehensive discussion forums for giving both men and women guidance, information and support to "move beyond gender tyranny."
  • Anastasia The Storyteller Radio -- for #MeToo-focused discussions of #MeToo issues and problem solving perspectives, interwoven with #MeToo-slanted current events;

  • The Possible Society In Motion RadioMoving Beyond Gender Tyranny: The Online Course for – specific steps to take to move beyond gender tyranny traps, into the transforming of #MeToo problems to the good places between men and women for which most of us yearn.
Begins Saturday, June 23, 11:30 a.m.

Call in number:  (516) 531-9829

Be sure to push 1 on your phone to get into the queue in our studio

Also see our special blog site curriculum pages to guide your progress through your Online Course work, corresponding to our online radio show formats and lessons. 

You can begin working with these now. Click here for:

Moving Beyond Gender Tyranny; The Online Course
Lesson One Outline


How do we set the stage to move Beyond Gender Tyranny?

Once this new series, our "Moving Beyond Gender Tyranny Online Course," is launched, the plan now is for Steve Lebherz, my co-host, and I to alternate weeks between the two shows.  

We will also plan to institute a conference call follow-up forum to our online radio shows, in the coming months, for support and additional discussion.  Look for details!

Join us! Get involved!  
Few other things are this is important!

Monday, June 18, 2018

How Does “Intention” Move Us, Both Men And Women, Beyond Gender Tyranny?

Hear Anastasia and co-host, Steve Lebherz discuss “intention” as an essential part of moving “beyond gender tyranny,” now on the podcast linked below.

Next check out New Horizons’ new page, introducing our Online Course For Moving Beyond Gender Tyranny, at this link.

Then, be sure to join Anastasia and Steve this coming Saturday when they launch “Series #2,” their new, online program on the Possible Society In Motion Radio Show, specially designed to help both men and women move Beyond Gender Tyranny in the #MeToo era.

Introducing The Online Course
Saturday, June 23, 11:30 a.m.

Join us for our online broadcast
Call in number:  (516) 531-9829

Be sure to push 1 on your phone to get into the queue in our studio

Once this second series, our "Moving Beyond Gender Tyranny Online Course"  is launched, the plan now is for Steve and Anastasia to alternate weeks between the two shows, Anastasia The Storyteller and the Possible Society In Motion Radio, with the former focused more on discussions of #MeToo issues and problem solving perspectives, interwoven with #MeToo-slanted current events and the latter, The Possible Society In Motion Radio Show, geared toward actual problem solving techniques.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Setting The Stage For Moving Beyond Gender Tyranny, Broadcast At Last!

After rescheduling two shows for this topic – and – almost aborting a third for technical difficulties, Steve Lebherz, my new co-host, and I finally got on the air yesterday morning with a program we had been planning for close to a month, Beyond Gender Tyranny: Setting The Stage.  That is, after we got past our first three-four minutes where we didn't even know if we would be able to broadcast.

What chaos!  Most likely still tied to the disaster recovery efforts going on in our area.

However, without doubt, Steve and I definitely accomplished what I was after for this program, building on our first show of this series, If War Is Not The Answer Beyond Gender Tyranny, What Is,?  That outcome was a hard won victory and, now hopefully, also, all future shows will include Steve on a regular basis, as he is a real treat for me to work with; a second win from yesterday's endeavor.

The intent of yesterday's program agenda was to set the stage for our listeners to be able to go on a journey, with us, of untold length, with a definitive destination – moving beyond gender tyranny! 

This objective grew, spontaneously, out of my first show with Steve several weeks back, before heavy thunderstorms and flooding sent everything in our area into upheaval.

Be sure to listen to the podcast of yesterday's lively broadcast where Steve and I begin getting to some of the specifics on how we are gonna move beyond gender tyranny.

Then  join us next week, again, as we continue on to build a pathway out of gender tyranny – going both ways, at times, certainly; most destructively and sometimes fatally from men to women, with a bit of spice from the less powerful position of women fighting back.

Saturday, June 16, 11:30 a.m.

Then look forward to joining us, once more, in two weeks as Steve and I introduce another new series on the Possible Society In Motion Radio, where we will be providing guidance and instruction for listeners on specific steps to take to move beyond gender tyranny traps, into the transforming of #MeToo problems.

Introducing The Online Course
Saturday, June 23, 11:30 a.m.

Once this second series, our "Moving Beyond Gender Tyranny Online Course"  is launched, the plan now is for Steve and I to alternate weeks between the two shows, Anastasia The Storyteller and the Possible Society In Motion Radio, with the former focused more on discussions of #MeToo issues and problem solving perspectives, interwoven with #MeToo-slanted current events and the latter, The Possible Society In Motion Radio Show, geared toward actual problem solving techniques.

Also look for a bit of humor, in the midst of all this heavy stuff.  

That just goes with being with Steve.

Both shows will welcome call ins! 

So be sure to keep abreast of details to aid your personal participation.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

News Update: Flood Disaster Challenges At New Horizons Harpers Ferry Retreat Center

Wondering where we’ve been for the last few weeks, with an absence of blog posts and Anastasia The Storyteller Radio Shows rescheduled twice? 

The letter below, sent to Hannah Cobb, Chairperson of the Community Outreach work group of the Frederick County ACE Project (ACE = Adverse Childhood Experiences), that is close to the very heart of what New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace” Project stands
for, will give you an update of our flood disaster situation out here with more to follow as our recovery projects develop.


I am deeply disappointed to tell you that it seems I will not be attending meetings or participating otherwise, on behalf of the New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace” Project, with the ACE project for the coming months.

The New Horizons Harpers' Ferry Retreat Center where I work and live is now cut off from access to our main roadway, Route 340, due to the recent flood disaster and a rock slide off of Maryland Heights, just above the C and O Canal which is also blocking our roadway.

We are, also, dealing with flood recovery work here on our land. 

So please send us back your best wishes for our renewal as we begin rebuilding our entire meeting and guest area which is likely to take us the bulk of the year ahead.

Anticipated repairs for our roads and the National Park Service work on the rock slide portion are estimated to be as long as one year, making easy access to Frederick from where we are located a prohibitive endeavor for the foreseeable future.

I will continue sending all my best wishes to all of you and our beloved ACE project and be in touch when I can once again resume participation.

Best of luck with our beautiful, collective endeavors to overturn the ACE epidemic, as it affects our local counties.

Anastasia Rosen-Jones
Executive Director
New Horizons Small "Zones of Peace" Project