Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Through Our New Pandemic Support Network, Our Board Members/Elite Truth Or Dare GAME Members Are Now Refocusing Priorities: First For Ourselves, Next For Those We Can Support And Guide

Who would’ve, could’ve imagined that -- the revitalizing I initiated of the “old” New Horizons Discount Derby, updated into the new Truth Or Dare GAME, as a perk for my board members – and – a major support for me, as my horrendous “MeToo” ethics complaint regarding my former psychiatrist mentor, Marty Groder, was winding down – would turn out to be the very basis for how and what New Horizons/Small “Zones of Peace” can now provide to help us, the board, get through this coronavirus pandemic, “G-d willing and the creek don’t rise,” as well as strengthen and empower us to help others too. 

I am hard-pressed to articulate – even to them, my board members, to myself and to  readers what is transpiring with this new initiative of ours – the forthcoming New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace GAME Support Network in terms of the Divine orderliness I see unfolding here, in this time of greatest nationwide crisis and what we are growing, each and every day our support group meets, carrying itself over to the times in between.

But something big is brewing! 

Maybe that something BIG is what is going to get some of us through this pandemic alive, much like my Mom (stepmother) survived the Holocaust, in a Chinese refugee camp, along with other fleeing German Jews.

Maybe that’s how it goes “When two or more are gathered…” We become something bigger than ourselves, so proportionally big that the ripples outward make a difference.

Sue says that what accounts for the magic, the seeds of which were planted in the Fall, 2018 as the ordeal of my ethics complaint with the International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA), regarding Marty Groder was culminating – is, in part, the result of our slowing down, with ourselves -- and – with one another, collectively exchanging the urgency of our normal daily lives for the human generosity our GAME Support Group affords, so that we offer one another, through our giving time and attention to one another and whatever is important to each in this time of crises, beautiful gifts, simply from our being – and being together.

I think this is one part of the “so big I can’t wrap my mind around it.”

But there is more.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Support Group Report: My Board Members Say The Dearest Things

Board Member,
Sue deVeer
Yesterday Board Member, Sue, told us that the thing she likes best about our new, almost daily GAME Support Group (now renamed the Pandeis hearing one another's voices. 

Today Terry said that what she likes best is simply  ---THIS!

The rest of us knew exactly what she meant, uttering "metoo," with new meaning, whether out loud or inside ourselves.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Pandemic Survivors Support Group Developing Nationwide Network: 10 Days In

Today marks the tenth day since I knew with every cell of my being, for my absolute truth, that the next appropriate steps for the New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace” Network and ME just had to be – the developing of a nationwide support group network to help our citizens (and ourselves) brave the coronavirus pandemic.  

The next day, March 20, we held our first conference call GAME Support Group. It was wonderful, a safe port in a ferocious storm.

Since then we've had a group meeting almost everyday -- and -- we are so grateful for it!

Now with ten days in, what have we gained?

If, merely lightening the emotional load people are now carrying is a start, we've already accomplished something. 

"Something big or something small," you ask?

And I say that "Big and small seem to be occurring together, the synchronicity, sometimes awesome, more often received with a deep and quiet gratitude from our just being together with one another, with compassion and caring. 

Here "metoo" means something like I'm concerned about the number of confirmed cases of the virus and the deaths from it, in my state.

Other times our awareness of the the synchronicity opens up appreciation for technology that is enabling us to hear one another's voices in this quasi-group setting we are now creating

All week long I've been trying to write to tell you, readers, what is going on with us, the New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" Board Members, behind the scenes, as we establish, for our own benefit, and organize for others our new nationwide GAME Support Group initiative and as one, something, we can do to bolster one another up during these trying times. 

(FYI. I developed and ran a city-wide support network in the Washington, D.C. area, beginning in the early '80s through 1998 when I lost my eyesight, making me one of the most experienced consultants around to guide and mentor a project of this type, especially under the circumstances prompting it -- the virus pandemic. 

Yippee!!! I am so grateful to have this to offer in service!)

Of course, we are going to invite all of you to join us, as quickly as possible but it is going to take us a bit of start up time though we are on it! 

First things first, however. Right now we are going slowly, inviting new members in, very selectively and one-on-one so as to build a firm foundation, as we learn how to update a formerly person-to-person support group model and make it applicable for what we have now in front of us.

The problem with my writing, this past week or so, to share our happenings, is that I am feeling somewhat like Anne Frank wanting to write my own diary of this difficult time from behind my sheltering-in-place, but getting through my writer's block is holding me back.

Too many emotions bottled up are not yet allowing me access to my writer's mind.

So, for now, I'll just stay with the wanting to stay in touch and hope that even these few words of mine might possibly offer inspiration to you out there, striving like me to move through this ordeal on a high road.

Personally, I am doing exceptionally well but not always with ease.

More later to tell you how it is behind my/our closed doors -- and -- also how things are going here as we strive to create our nationwide support group network.

Connection! Connection! Connection at safe distances.

Best Wishes, Anastasia

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Breaking News!!! Truth Or Dare GAME Community To Open Its Door With Twice Weekly Support and Storytelling Groups, Nationwide

Free of charge for all qualified participants due to the coronavirus pandemic!

Find out, too, how you can now become a New Horizons/Small "Zones Of Peace" Csonference Call Support and Storytelling Group facilitator.


The New Horizons/Small "Zones Of Peace" Truth Or Dare GAME Community Is Announcing Expansion Plans Due To The Coronavirus Pandemic

Our first step is the organizing and implementing of a daily, if needed, Pandemic Support and Storytelling Group -- already in motion --

-- having had, as of now -- THREE Support Storytelling Groups to help us keep our coronavirus fears, anxieties, limitations and coping "adventures" from taking us down.

Find out how you can be a part of our Truth Or Dare GAME Support and Storytelling Group

For Details and Reservations Contact: Anastasia at: MountainWomanRJ@aol.com

Hi folks, storytelling is my shtick -- and -- communal storytelling is among my greatest loves.

So, now, let's put that of me to good use, multiply its benefit and make it grow!

Come and join me, with stories of your own, to help each and everyone one of us to get through this god-awful coronavirus ordeal with daily chats via our special line at FreeConferenceCall.com. 

With lots of sharing, stories galore of our pandemic wins and challenges, healthy survival tips, caring and compassion.

Hi Dearie, it's me, Anastasia, The Storyteller.
How you doing?  What's your story?
I'd like to know.