Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Beyond Beyonce, Beyond Ego, Beyond Self-Interest

Possible Society In Motion Show Announcement for Thursday, February 21
Shipwrecks and other travel challenges offer real life depictions of what it can mean for fellow journeyers to choose to be for one another (i.e. altruism) or invested in their own self-interest. Beyond emergency airplane landings, cruise ship fires and other such unexpected crises what might it mean for strangers in our strange land of twenty-first century America to choose, on purpose, to be for one another, across the board?

What does it mean to be
a possible society in motion?
Building, once again, on previous episodes to date, also drawing upon the principle of altruism (one for all and all for one) that President Obama appeared to be promoting, to set the tone of his forthcoming second term, the question is pondered: Are Americans genuinely ready to truly invest in the value of being one for all and all for one (i.e. altruism) as a high priority?  
Or, are other crises such as “9/11” and other mass murders still needed to bring home the point that “survival of the fittest” may, ultimately, demand that we develop a commitment to practicing this value.
Ben Franklin urged that “We must all hang together, lest we each hang alone.” However, we seem unable and unwilling to heed this notion, unless and except in times of crisis. Is this a state of affairs we should simply accept or are we overlooking a key challenge that must be addressed as a part of a national solution to gun violence and other social ills?

7:00 p.m.-- 7:30 p.m., following the on-air broadcast, we again, takes our discussion topic to a deeper, more personal level with a call-in audience at:
Conference call dial-in: 712.432.0600, access code 640883 (also recorded).

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