Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Finding Joy In The Era of Trump

Also on Anastasia The Storyteller with lots of links to interesting related stories.

People don't, often enough, celebrate the profound potency of simply, but not so simply at all, speaking truth to power. But today the joy of it must not be passed over. All of this wordiness on my part comes of my struggle from the inside out to share how very much today feels like springtime, at last. 

Last week’s snow is melted and yesterday I had a joyous sunshiny day out and about in my beloved spanky clean red car, just fixed after months in and out of repair garages. So I was all set for happiness this morning when I work up.

It was just one of those, “It’s the first day of the rest of my life,” all is right with the world days. Then I checked in with the morning news. NBC’s Comey Disclosures Leave Trump Alone on Island of Conspiracy Theories, told me everything and more than I needed to know that springtime is really here, at last!

What a long cold winter season it has been! The whole time of the American public being held hostage to the worst presidential election campaign I remember, culminating in the devastating election of Donald Trump. Now don’t mistake this bold revelation to tell you where I might stand on politics. I am a registered Independent. I was ready, willing and able to vote for either major party or none. And, none is what I would have chosen if I thought it might be the right and just way to go.

But no, not voting wasn’t an option! So I metaphorically flipped a coin and picked Hillary though I sure wasn’t crazy about her – and – totally did not want to see Bill Clinton, again, anywhere near the Oval Office he had besmirched with Monica Lewinsky. No, for me it was about character in this election (Maybe it generally is, now that I put words to inner process on it.)  Anyway that’s how I voted.

So I was devastated like many others to see Donald Trump win the election.

And, it sure has been scary ever since. OMG!! What this man has intended for America!

But, bad as it’s been I have kept having faith in our constitutional democracy and all the millions of people in this country who unstintingly believe, like me, in speaking truth to power. And, now look what we get! Our system works! Yesterday’s hearings with Comey testifying say it all, for me. The truth will set you free. And darkness cannot survive the Light.

The Games On You, Mr. President!!! Meticulous fact finding and truth telling is about to topple your sloppy, shyster’s ways!

Thank you, Mr. Comey. Those of us who believe in truth and integrity and basic human decency, above all, needed what you gave us yesterday!

Welcome springtime in the U.S.A.

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