Males Supporting #Metoo As A Cultural Change Movement
Your participation is as near as your phone!
To get involved:

- Your contact information -- and --
- Your brief statement of intent.
Write a brief statement (no longer than one page) about your motivation for participating, your hopes and dreams, what you would like to see your participation accomplish for you, personally, and what you would like to see it bring about, in terms of the broader #MeToo Movement and our own New Horizons Beyond Gender Tyranny project;
3. Send your contact information to Anastasia at the following email address, using the template posted below:
4. Include your best days and times of availability for contact.
5. Indicate whether or not you would like to do a guest interview on Anastasia The Storyteller Radio.
Note: Due to the volume of interviews anticipate, it may take as long as three weeks to arrange your telephone interview.
In preparation for the interview --
- Be prepared for a one hour interview;
- Be sure you are in a quiet, private place;
Donations are encouraged. Please support our efforts.
Online donation arrangements are now being made.
We will let you know how to proceed, as soon as they are complete.
Men Supporting #MeToo As A Cultural Change Movement:
The Study
- Study sponsored by the New Horizons Support Network, Inc. Small "Zones Of Peace" Project.
- Conducted by M. Anastasia Rosen-Jones, email:
Contact Information
Interview time availability: Phone:____________ In person:_________________
Name: __________________________________________ Age:_________
Phone: Cell________________ Work:____________ Home:_________________
Email address: ______________________________________________________________
City:_____________________________ State: _____ Zip Code:______
Also read Anastasia The Storyteller blogs (see Anastasia's bio here) -- and
Hear Anastasia The Storyteller Radio
Get involved! This is important!
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