Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Why & How Is This Going To Be Important For YOU? -- "Official Now! NH/ZOP Harpers Ferry Retreat Center To Be Renamed -- Black Bear Mountain Village

 March 8, 2022

Anastasia (ARJ)

Our transitioning from the NH/ZOP Harpers Ferry Retreat Center to becoming Black Bear Mountain Village (BBMV) in reality, as fictionalized in my forthcoming "Camelot Disrupted," is an unfolding adventure in living as in writing.

A work in progress. A journey being lived in real time as well as documented as we live it.

The design is set and well established. The mechanisms of the design in motion are well-honed. But...only people working collaboratively together can turn the potential into a living success, a genuine exceptional community in action, a true small "zone of peace."

My committee, my having recently resigned as Board Chairperson and now Chairing Community Outreach Committee, met for the first time on Sunday to begin developing our personal responses to the title question.

Very quickly we saw where we wanted to head with our plan:  Think global. Act local." 

And very quickly we also began to recognize the multi-level complexity of our endeavor.

Here's what we have so far.

Think global:

The internet and most specifically our three New Horizons sponsored blog sites and our ebay store and our classes, available from almost anywhere and my (ARJ) coaching and consulting will help us deliver our message, present the principles of our model and the applications of its teachings worldwide.

Act local:

BBMV is of course most vitally alive on the mountainside where we reside -- moment by moment, living out the challenges of dialogue versus debate, being an exceptional community, healing and reconciliation, as an intrinsic aspect of daily living among people of diverse natures And from there reaching out again in some modified pre-pandemic form into our surrounding local towns.

With what?

Doing what?

And how?

Follow along as our plans unfold as I/we head for book publication -- 2023 -- when you will get to read how we put it all together -- building small "zones of peace" wherever we BE.

Soon we will want your thoughts and ideas in the mix too.

This is a BIG DEAL!!

Stay updated as our journey continues.

More to come.

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