Monday, November 6, 2023

We, Like Yourselves, Are "Those Organisms" That...

..have been overloaded, -- many times since the pandemic began...

And we have come apart -- fragmented, individually and together, again and again. And we have also reorganized ourselves, again and again and are reorganizing still, at a higher level. Just as the man, Ilya Prigogine, said.

We feel frequently exhausted, emotionally and physically -- burned out. Give it a name -- "Pandemic Burnout."

Getting through the ordeal that actually has no end in sight is hard work, every day. Yet celebrating that we are still alive -- and healthy is not far behind in our minds and our hearts though with a touch of survivor's guilt.

All in all, I celebrate those of us now birthing Black Bear Mountain Village out of the pandemic, like a newborn. A+ for how we've come through our labors -- so far.

I say this with pride -- and -- hope because together we did this! And what we achieved made our offerings to others ever more powerful and profound and that's saying a lot cause we were quite something before. Through tough times, we came through with our dedication to navigating the needs of running our organization, the New Horizons-Small "Zones of Peace Project, now becoming BBMV-- while doing our best to survive Covid and all the many hardships it brought, complicating our lives' complications that were already complicated -- 

Coming out the other end of countless obstacles -- everyday we see the truth of Prigogine's theory in our personal and shares lives. Transforming the lead of ourselves and our lives into gold, Murat would call it.

Transformation! A far cry from mental illness. Yet i credibly demanding, nonetheless -- a choice to be brsve in tough times and come through ever more gentle and certainly more conscious, more aware.

This is Black Bear Mountain Village becoming, a small "zone of peace."

Our gifts that now comes out of our having mental health crises during the pandemic and now -- "We have a mental health solution" to pass on to you.

Everything we are and have is now becoming --

A mental health solution, uniquely born and bred of the Covid Pandemic -- beautifully merged and refining all we had before and more.

Join us! Find out more.

Ms Class: Season Two applications now being accepted.

Contact Jill @ Black Bear Mountain Village

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