Thursday, October 29, 2015

Community-Building: Pathway To The Bettering Of Society

 with Anastasia and Jack

Thursday, October 29, 2015, 6:30 p.m.

In tonight's program Jack assists Anastasia in introducing the key element of her life's work; community-building. The principles of the Groder-Rosen Addiction Development Theory (GRAD) are spotlighted and woven together to create a lively and inspiring discussion.

In Anastasia's words, as noted in the GRAD theory; "Most importantly and, possibly, most effective in healing and transforming the challenges of today's world for the individual, affecting the individual, personally, the family, groups and organizations as well as our
entire society and politics, can be the profound impact on these of an "exceptional community" life."

Listen in as Anastasia and Jack open up their topic by simply dialing in at: 347.237.5351 from your phone or on your computer at: Community-Building: Pathway To The Bettering Of Society"

Then join us, after the broadcast portion for our open-ended, leisurely and informal Coffee House Conversation by Conference Call. Dial in 712.432.0600, access code 640883. 7:00 p.m. until ???

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

How Did It Go: Humanizing Our Citizen-Police Relations?

This article written in appreciation of the leadership and tireless devotion to community outreach of Frederick (Maryland) City Police Chief, Edward Hargis.

Almost flawless! Synergy was the most probable reason; the community dance we did was beautiful. 

To truly appreciate the music of it, one has to be observant as if from a helicopter or hot air balloon view. A distant perspective allows us to best see the richness and the textures interweaving. And the significance of our turning aside from fear and judgments to come just a little bit closer to citizens and police, sharing our humanity, building a team.
“…the police are the public and 
the public are the police…”
Be sure to read my manuscript in progress, “The Middle East Crisis In My Backyard,” for an introduction to what I mean by “synergy” and how it plays out in leaders, followers and did throughout our event. Then imagine how it might have looked in real time. 

Imagine the fingers of one hand all working together as the system they are intended to be. The quote of Sir Robert Peel, shown under the Police hat above, suggests this ideal for citizens and police, working together as a team.

The thumb might be identified as the leader. Just as the new Frederick City Police Chief, Ed Hargis, might have been, identifiably, the official leader at our Coffee House Conversation. Yet, as true leadership actually functions, “exceptional leaders” easily make room for the strengths and contributions of others.

What I experienced at our Saturday event was that our official leader, designated by our local Mayor and Alderman), showed not the slightest discomfort with the leadership that I, Anastasia, also took on as New Horizons’ Executive Director, additionally making respectful room for and including Police Officer Lieutenant Jason Keckler.

Admittedly we had an unusually small group to work with this time which might have made our task a bit easier, certainly less complicated. (Next time we will alter this small snag). 

Nonetheless, at only one point did a brief snag start to arise. Soon remedied by the meeting group, each and everyone doing their part.

That circumstance was brought about by an obvious antagonism on the part of one attendee. However, when I called a halt to the exchange and brought people back to referencing the “Dialogue versus Debate” contrast, the attendee immediately shifted herself to a less blaming, more affirming manner of bringing up her citizen-police concern and we were all right back on track.

She had started out with a bit of ill will. But when alerted by my intervention, she immediately shifted her stance to one that demonstrated being on the same team. Wow! 

Almost flawless!  We can all do this, if we are mindful.

Thus we wrapped up our Coffee House Conversation event in an atmosphere of mutual respect, a fulfilled intention of citizens and police leaning in to one another, resulting in, at least, a modicum of more trust and relationship building between citizens and police. 

Small steps became a starting place.

Most impressive for me was that some areas of distrust and fear were reversed, if not entirely, at least beginning was made.

As for me, personally, I came away proud and happy.  

Next time, Saturday, November 21, we will do even better.

I wish you could have been there. Maybe next time you will be.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"Humanizing Our Citizen Police Relations I," The Coffee House Conversation Is Here!

Coffee House Conversations Are Back With Our Fall Season of Events!

Coffee House Conversations On "Humanizing Our Citizen Police Relationships I" is our new beginning.

This event features a very special introduction to the community of Frederick City’s new Chief of Police, Edward Hargis.

Be sure to attend!  
                  You won’t want to miss it!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A New Feature Has Been Added To....

Our developing Coffee House Conversations Project; Monday Morning Meetings of the Coffee House Conversations Project is our special place to plan and grow this emerging community development effort.

Monday Morning Meetings of the Coffee House Conversations Project

Sponsored by New Horizons Support Network, Inc.

Mondays At Dublin Roasters Coffee
1780 N. Market Street
Noon to 2:00 p.m.

The road to individual and collective transformation has many elements, “the most important one is having a community.” (Murat Yagan, New Horizons’ Beloved Community Development mentor,Murat Yagan (1915 – 2013).

The Coffee House Conversations Planning Project is becoming a growing community within our greater civic locale, dedicating itself to building a more “exceptional community” in Frederick County through dialogue and pro-active social and political engagement.

Help us grow!

We have a dream that we will become a voice for the intent of affecting social and political change in Frederick.

Be a part of The Coffee House Conversations Planning Project Team.

There is room and work for everyone.

No effort is too small or insignificant to make a difference in this endeavor.

We need YOU! We need everyone!

For details and registration, contact:
Anastasia 240.409.5347

New Horizons is a 501 C 3 non-profit educational organization
Your cash contributions are also welcomed!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Coffee House Conversations Are Back

Announcing Our Fall Season of Events!

Saturday, October 17 – Humanizing Our Citizen-Police Relations I;

Saturday, November 21 --  Humanizing Our Citizen-Police Relations II;

Saturday, December 5, 2015 -- Humanizing Our Citizen-Police Relations III – Includes potluck dinner;

We are making exciting progress that we will want to share with you! 
Upside down is turning right side up!

More details and back stories on the way!  

Sunday, October 4, 2015

September: An Upside Down Month

I loved August and hated to see it leave, or maybe it was just that it was so clearly signaling the end of summer. I don’t know for sure. Yet August had a good deal of turbulence to it, at least it for me. 

Then came September, moving into October with life-threatening rain storms which, fortunately, did not affect us other than filling the buckets and buckets of rain barrels I set outside to catch the falling rain to make up for the fact that, as of now, we have no running water. Thanks to what seems to be a faulty well pump. Damn!
Ever have an
upside down month?

Well, whatever the source I loved August and grieved its passing -- and, no wonder. September was all upside down for me. It could have been the fallout from the commotions of August. I can’t quite yet get a perspective on it all. But something must have been strange for me to forget to tell people that a Coffee House Conversations event had been rescheduled for a whole month later. And, to write less than my pledged quota of articles for Anastasia The Storyteller/

Well, no mind. This past weekend with drenching and threatening weather conditions outside I have trying to regain some order in my life, running water or not.  And, I do think I am making some small headway. With that in mind I thought I just stop by here and say hello as a way of stabilizing the normal flow of things out here from me to you.

That’s all for now, except stay tuned in here for details of our “rescheduled” Coffee House Conversation on Humanizing Citizen-Police Relations. And, if you get a chance, listen to the podcast of our last Possible Society In Motion Radio Show. It was a fine program with our guest, Acting Frederick City Police Captain Jason Keckler, where we took up a preliminary discussion on that theme, titled, Citizen-Police Relations and The Redefining of Power.