Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Moving Beyond Gender Tyranny: What Does It Mean And How Do You Do It?

For your personal answers, ask Anastasia, The Super Sleuth Coaching and Consulting.

What does "Moving Beyond Gender Tyranny" mean and how do you do it?

Do we see gender tryanny alive and active in the Biden-Flores drama?

If so, who is it coming from? Joe Biden, the identified culprit?

Or Lucy Flores and the other women who have come forward with complaints of their personal boundaries distressingly being compromised? 

Yet revealing these at the possible expense of Joe Biden's bid for the presidency?

Are they the tyrants in so forcefully making their case against Biden?

Who has the right of way here to be most upset with this situation, especially in this era of #MeToo and "TimesUp?

These are complicated issues. The questions evoked have no easy answers.

At New Horizons we've had situations of this nature under the radar for decades, with tried and true strategies for problem solving, dating back as far as 1976!

We are eager to offer our expertise and support as solutions of great magnitude are explored -- and remedies applied.

To start off our contribution we will be offering what we can to bring forward motion through the clutter!

First off, to our way of thinking, we need to understand what “gender tyranny” means, by definition and in action. Next, we need to accept that gender tyranny is a two way street, if we truly want to put an end to it.

With male and female lanes going both ways. 

Then we need to figure out how best to keep the traffic moving forward, avoid jams and accidents along the highway.

Join me for my next online Anastasia The Storyteller Radio Show where I will take up the theme ...

Rescheduled to Sunday, December 22

.... beginning with the defining of "gender tyranny."

Please join me for the discussion, with my guest co-host and New Horizons Board Member, Terry. If you miss the show, hear it on podcast.

This is a critical discussion for us to have!! I am making it a top priority!

If, as I, perhaps, might have inferred (at least I intended to) in "Joe Biden-Lucy Flores Drama Brings New Horizons Infamous "No Abuse" Rule To The Fore," Biden did not break any rules,  He is, therefore, technically not guilty of a criminal act or even a civil breach,

But, ah, the court of public opinion! 

So what does his situation offer us about gender tyranny being a two-way street, especially when he speaks up to take responsibility, as New Horizons "no abuse" demands?

And, offers to listen, respectfully?

Is this genuinely enough? 

Not at all, his critics argue!

What does this mean about things big and small, like Biden, the politician seeking a presidential bid?  About Joe Biden the private citizen, husband and father?

Big questions! 

I am standing back, again, looking at this drama, with my curious eye, trying to take in what it means for me, especially as a woman, having made one personal, sexual harassment ethics complaint and toying, presently, with how to best handle another.

What to do? What to do?

No easy answers!

If I come forward on this next one will a scandal erupt? If this is not what I want -- and -- the individual offender, though deceased, is a prominent man, what then?

If I continue to keep quiet as I have, what price will I pay?

Actually this may be the easiest of my personal questions to answer. 

I will not stay silent. The cost is too great! The liberation great for letting go of secrets long held.

One article, addressing the broader scope, published in Slate particularly caught my attention, addressing the many complexities of what we have in this new drama.

Joe Biden Is Not What Matters Here expands the issue. And, clearly, to my way thinking, fleshes out essential details for the conversation, at hand.

So, what do we have here, in terms of what may be one of the most defining issues of the Twenty-first Century, how men treat women?

Look for my further, ongoing commentaries on this issue, coming soon.

With articles by Anastasia (Me) on all three of her/my New Horizons sponsored blog sites.

Keep up to date, as my tale unfolds!

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