Monday, April 15, 2019

Breaking News: New Horizons To Redefine Priorities

Effective immediately!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2019 -- We added one new item to our Truth Or Dare Movement agenda. Check it out: The Pro-Truth Pledge.

in the service of supporting , Executive Director, Anastasia Rosen-Jones, with her expanding publishing efforts on Medium and through a variety of other outlets, both online and in print, all New Horizons projects and programs are to now be put on hold, with the exception of New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME and Truth or Dare GAME support groups. 

(Also see: Anastasia The Storyteller article, "Another New Book Into Progress Popped Up In Me Today.")

All current programs, projects and initiatives created, post Trump's presidential election, will be affected. 

This will include, but is not limited to...
Look for these to resume or take on new forms as Anastasia’s publishing projects move to the fore. 

As I start on this next chapter of my writing life, the cumulative effect of the programs and projects New Horizons has been doing since the early eighties -- when we formally inaugurated the Asklepeion prison rehabilitation counter-culture community approach*, developed by my former psychiatrist mentor, Martin G. Groder, M.D.,  into what had merely been a private counseling center, remodeling it for application to a co-dependency/power addiction recovery, counter-culture treatment program -- will now become more accessible through my writings, lectures and public speaking presentations.

* Scroll down on this wikipedia article to the section on "therapeutic communities -- U.S.". New Horizons "exceptional community" model is an expansion of Groder's Asklepeion model, beyond prison rehabilitation, where it began, into the mainstream, combined with the ancient teachings and present-day mentoring of the Kebzeh community approach through Murat Yagan.

What we have accomplished over many decades, based on Groder's and Murat's mentoring, guidance and support, has been meritorious. And, we have been continuously evolving better and better strategies for directing what we have back into the mainstream.

Now, with our focus, once again, on our signature program, the Truth or Dare GAME, we will further this shaping process, while I, personally, set out to carry the message of the enormous successes we've had to an expanding readership audience through my articles, online, and sometime in the future in print form.

What has been difficult for us -- in near-recent years, especially as New Horizons has struggled to proceed with its main initiative, building and sustaining Small "Zones of Peace," and its mission to overcome all forms of polarization, from the simplest one-on-one relating to the local, the national and the global, in a nation, post Trump -- is that we are now, as a citizenship, more invested in divisiveness than unity.

How can we reverse this?

We can only hope to do our best and contribute what we have and can with hopes for a better future.

I will have much to write on this also.

Anastasia (I) have struggled too, alongside my organization, especially concerned about where could I/she lead my/her truth squad, if truth had taken such a back seat in our society as to be almost an anathema!

Please do wish us luck!

This may be the most challenging step we have ever taken, to date.

We thank you for your kind and continued support.


Anastasia’s Super Sleuth’d Coaching And Consulting will continue on, unimpeded, both as a service to readers and a source of fundraising for New Horizons Small “Zones Of Peace” Project.

Find out how you can contribute through these services of Anastasia, a truly awesome, win-win opportunity, as a support for your personal agendas, as well as boosting those of New Horizons.

Anastasia can be reached at:

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