From Anastasia
I had already, back a day or two ago, stated that "Becoming Black Bear Mountain Village (BBMV) Ain't Easy" when happenstance, the other evening, brought the collective of our Property Management Team to an after day's work is done time of hangin' out.
Then one thing led to another. After it was over I thought to myself we had just created what seemed to naturally be named a Flash Mob Truth Or Dare GAME.
Whatever could that mean?
By way of explaining, let's first get our terms clear.
So here goes. Webstee's Dictionary defines a flash mob as follows
: a group of people summoned (as by email or text message) to a designated location at a specified time to perform an indicated action before dispersing.
Ok. So to explain us at BBMV as creating a "flash mob" does demand a bit of stretching the definition a bit. But you'll get the idea as I go on.
Here lies our claim.
Yes we were -- A group of people; Summoned by: text, phone and prior agreement; To a designated spot -- BBMV; Performing an indicated action -- i.e. property management and development; Before dispersing to go home.
Standing in the rain under our patio roof, meaning our top deck floor above us, having been working together now, just hangin' out.
Knowing ahead of that time, the rules of our community, our Truth or Dare GAME just popped out into being like any other flash mob activity!
Will all that truth telling make "becoming BBMV" easier?
Maybe yes. Maybe no.
At any rate life and work at BBMV just got more interesting! That's for sure!
Take it from there -- Flash Mob Truth or Dare GAME has come to BBMV.
You could potentially learn how to create your own Flash Mob Truth or Dare GAME -- no drugs, no alcohol. We'll show you how -- through our experiential learning programs.
Maybe even our politicians could learn! LOL.
More to come.