(Scroll down to the bottom of this section for a discussion on why New Horizons GAME was initially called the Discount Derby, a designation that gives our process its truest meaning, as far as we are concerned.)
The New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME was originally established 1976 -- 1980, in an evolving process that continues through to today.
Anastasia's first GAME experience was in 1976 in an Asklepeion-model GAME, played with convicts – and her TA (Transactional Analysis) colleagues, directing it at the James River Penitentiary in Richmond, Virginia.
(On this wikipedia link, scroll down to "History," then to US for a discussion of Asklepeion.)
She describes her devotion to the GAME, ever since, as being predicated on how it has, from the very first, provided her with a solid, reliable pathway out of all she knew of denial and darkness, up to that point, initially by instinct, later by way of the scientific, psycho-social and spiritual foundations she would come to embrace as dependable markers for an amazing, life-changing journey.
Soon after, Anastasia introduced the GAME as a psychotherapy strategy --especially for overcoming relationship and personality addictions, particularly those that are power-abuse-based -- in her private practice in Rockville, Maryland, located just beyond the heart of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.
Before long Anastasia and her GAME, originally called the Discount Derby, became known throughout the Maryland and Northern Virginia suburbs and Washington itself, as a process that could "cure" the dark side of anyone who actively engaged in it, thereby making room for the transformative capacity of light in those who would seek it.
It became known that if Anastasia/the GAME could not achieve this noteworthy accomplishment, nobody else would be able to do it either!!
Additionally, within a few years, Anastasia, as Clinical Director of the Assisis Shelter for Abused Women in Prince George's County, Maryland, brought the GAME into the shelter as a strategy for aiding victims of domestic violence, based on the premise that strategies that could be utilized to rehabilitate perpetrators of violence might also be used to assist the recovery of victims.
More to come on this topic.
Why New Horizons or Dare Truth GAME was initially called the Discount Derby. And why that name truly represents our objectives.
First off, let us get our terms lined up to aid our understanding of what New Horizons GAME, past and present is about.
1. The word "derby" has been "used as a noun in the English language to denote any kind of sporting contest." Our GAME is surely that -- a sporting contest!
2. The word "discount" in the terminology of Transactional Analysis, the main theoretical approach used at New Horizons, since its earliest beginnings, circa 1973, is defined as --
"The minimizing or ignoring of data that is relevant to an individual, a situation or the solving of a problem."
Put these terms: "derby' and "discount" together. Then imagine a sporting event wherein an entire team of people work together to metaphorically vacuum up every observable "discount" in sight, in the service of reaching for the peak of the Mountain of Awe.
That's the Discount Derby! And that's the New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" Truth Or Dare GAME.
You have to play it to experience the "awe."
Why did we change the name?
Because it was easier to explain our GAME in everyday language, which we thought Truth Or Dare closer to, without adding the TA theoretical underpinnings involved.
Read about New Horizons "new" Truth Or Dare GAME here.
Read New Horizons Small "Zones Of Peace" Truth Or Dare articles here.
And, Anastasia The Storyteller articles on Telling The Truth here.
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Introducing New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME |
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Why play New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME? Our methodology includes guiding participants in developing the following skills to the level of art:
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