Monday, March 21, 2011

Snail's Pace? No! No! Not So!

It’s March 21, the Spring Equinox -- and -- almost a month since my last posting here.

Regarding that point – The word, as I got it from our New Horizons’ blog designer, coach and maximally generous board member, Lisa Boyer, went a bit like this

 “So few blogs, posted so inconsistently, is no way to build your internet following.


She was wisely warning me about the consequences of the small number of blog postings that I’d offered this past month.

But what could I do? I wondered after our chat.

“Making violence obsolete” as a topic was a tough act to follow as was also, "The Spirit of the Egyptian Revolution" on my “Anastasia, The Storyteller” blog.

Awe-struck by the success of the Egyptian, non-violent protesters, I was speechless.

Or, to put it in language relevant to today’s world – blogless – I dare say.

Until today that is.

Please, I ask of you -- forgive my inattention. And, please, do not go away.

(However, if you checked out “Anastasia The Storyteller,” there were, at least, four new postings there during this time, should you be interested. Of course, I hope you would be interested. Did I see you over there? Or not? Please post comments.)

And, please, do not think for a moment that no blog posting here means nothing is going on at New Horizons that is worthy of a peace-builders interest.

Au contraire!

In real time, our “Climbing The Mountain of Awe” GAME is on our daily drawing board, taking lots of concentration, planning and teamwork.

(Check it out as developments unfold.)

Our GAME template is now, being tried out and refined.

Here is one, small update on this current NH/Small “Zones of Peace” activities that, hopefully, you will be more fully privy to before too long.

Our first rehearsal GAME was played on Wednesday, March 9.

It was a challenge that took us back to the drawing board.

Our next Awe GAME rehearsal is scheduled for Thursday, March 31.

Visit us again, soon, for reports on our progress.

And, I pledge to do my best to get out some word or another on our progress, realistically allowing for current local and worldwide upheavals.

But, admit it, if you feel left out as we move forward with our design, intent on creating the impact we are after; replicating the awe of our “Saving Centennial” project. We will do our best and just have to see what we SEE.
Seeking this as our baseline might just be part of my adventure of a lifetime that will take all of my lifetime.

In the mountains with 70 degree weather today.

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