On our self-defined path to awe in this time of mortal challenge, my board members and I’ve skirted sinkholes that might have destroyed us, as a working entity, tripped over potholes, metaphorically twisting our ankles, and, so far, have landed right side up because
… we pledged at the onset of the lock-down to hang together and support one another through the ordeal.
Sure we were going to be challenged, once we began to understand what it meant to be threatened by this pandemic, but heading toward awe seemed to be our best bet, if making lemonade out of the barrel of lemons this virus pandemic has brought into our lives is our intent.
And, surely, we could manage that lofty destination, better together than each on our own.
Even if together means back and forth only by phone and text, as we aren't yet comfortable with video and, of course actual, live contact is NOT an option.
We knew, of course, that if we could manage this well, the lifting of ourselves and one another, on behalf of our own selves and within our small “elite” Truth Or Dare GAME Community, our next steps would be to easily offer ourselves as guides in service to other virus survivors, destination: AWE, even in this time of crisis.
Not only would we offer to guide the kinds of community building we do best, a much needed craft for these hard times, but, through support and teaching – and – also being role models, though only a mere few chapters ahead of many, dealing with things with which we have no previous experience, coronavirus and quarantining for starters, to help save ourselves and others from unthinkable tragedy, should it strike us, personally.
If only, if only we could make it through, infection-free, intact overall health-wise, emotionally and spiritually.
But then came the other, the stuff people bring into difficult times, making them even more difficult –
Seen any STUFF around you these days?
You do? So you know what I mean.
Goodness gracious the STUFF we are dealing with these days is hard!
At New Horizons/ZOP, however, we are moving through our stuff, with such unity and grace, it is truly wonderful, sometimes even seeming like a miracle.
I'm sure you will want to hear how we are accomplishing this "awesomeness" which we will gladly share when the time is right. So I'll do my best to get back here with more storytelling of NH/ZOP adventures through ....whatever lies ahead.
And, in due time, once we have managed to navigate our small group of board members through our stuff in reaching for awe, we are going to be able to invite you, too, in for the climb with us.
Hope y’all, our readers, are doing okay, out there.
My Board and myself send you our very best wishes and prayers that you stay safe and well.
More later.
This, the pandemic, the quarantine, coping with it all, is hard!
This other, New Horizons/Small “Zones of Peace’ (NH/ZOP) GAME Support Group, in the midst of the hard, is good.
We know we are in a period, like no other, and that hanging together -- those of us that presently make up the “elite” Truth Or Dare GAME community, the board members of our organization -- will be able, provided we stay healthy, to help bring one another through this horrific crisis – and even beyond into transformation, the pandemic crisis also being the fertile soil for our personal and collective growth.
Through the infrastructures, we have built into our organization, over many years, we know we have the wherewithal to do this – and – are pledged to do it, even when it’s challenging and hard.
How could it be otherwise than difficult in this time of the coronavirus?
So here we are, nearing one month into our almost daily GAME Support Group, created first to care for ourselves, during this time of the coronavirus pandemic. Next, as service, to pass on our extraordinary collection of powerful strategies on surviving well and how to apply them in the “….U.S.A., Circa 2016 Fwd,” individually and collectively.
However, we are not intent on supporting one another in only surviving. We hope and pray we will come through this pandemic ordeal healthy, our lives intact.
So we are after the creating of a space that helps each and every one of us go up a notch or two, beyond mere survival, in the evolving of our humanity through this pandemic event, a time and place that can help to empower us to thrive, to transform – to even reach awe.
As a program model we’ve always been on a trajectory that elevates, a transforming path that the human mind is uniquely equipped to pursue, if there was ever one!
A visit to our Exploring Your Dark Side: The Adventure Of A Lifetime site will certainly attest to that aspiration. *Also, check out our earlier offerings on related topics and issues such as the following, for a hint of the vision we hold and do our best to carry forth:
- ** Most of these initiatives have been temporarily sidelined, beginning a pattern, in 2016 when the presidential campaign left little room for community bridge-building, our main agenda, due to the polarized climate of our present society and politics.
- We look forward to revitalizing these programs and projects, if and when the time is appropriate. which we pray will be soon.
What a mess!
While almost everything outside and around us is tense, strange and threatening, we’ve pledged ourselves to creating, in the special time we share, set aside almost daily now for our support group, a comforting port of peace.
Most of the time it is that.
Yet, we have surfaced a few internal tensions during this time of difficulty, as well, in this support group/community of ours that is an expansion of our Truth Or Dare GAME project.
After all, some of us have been together for close to thirty years.
How not to surface occasional, unresolved, old stuff between and among loved ones, at a time like this, with daily pressures so closely tied to mortality, pressing in on us, often with potential deadly consequences?
How not to lose it on occasion at times like this?
That's quite a question!
Still, having tensions and conflict among ourselves has been HARD, rare that it is!
However, we move through them, relatively quickly and smoothly, give or take, almost with the grace of Olympic skating partners.
After all we have been practicing our beautiful processes, many originating in our GAME, personally and, collectively, as an “exceptional community,” building together for a long, long time.
Clearly, more and more each day, it is apparent that our GAME Support Group is becoming a sustaining base for each of us during this troubled time.
From this source we draw strength, increase the clarity of our thinking, find release from the daily pressures of the coronavirus quarantining – and – come up with added resources to share for coping with this devastatingly historic time, intent on passing on what we know.
Sharing our stresses, concerns and fears with one another, along with the things we are able to achieve on lock-down, buried wounds, past and present, reach out to the sunlight that is the warmth of one another’s presence through each one’s voice (I/we are not yet comfortable with skype and zoom yet), coming through from places not so near, but close in spirit, a source from which we draw strength and comfort, as well as how to tips on things like “And, what are YOU doing about groceries – and prescriptions? And exercise?
As George Conway, renegade husband of Kellyanne Conway, aid to Donald Trump, was quoted as stating in the Washington Post,
“We are in a transcendent and transformative period in American history.’
The New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace” Project is in it, transcending and transforming, full speed ahead!
Truly, we are, indeed, on a best, possible path in a time of greatest distress. We hope you will be wanting to join us in this journey of a lifetime.
For details and information on how to join with us, in our GAME Support Group (or other active programs), when it opens to the public, possibly within the month ahead, please feel free to contact me, Anastasia at:
And, if private guidance time is your need, away from the madding crowd, reserve some personal, quality consulting time with me through our ebay store.
All fees donated to the New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" projects and programs, including the support of our GAME Support Group.