It's a trek that teaches dedicated adventurers certain very precious human skills at the level of art for the effort. This is what it means to be a Truth Or Dare GAME Master!
Among these are --
- Leadership at the level of exceptional;
- Community development at the level of exceptional;
- Conversation skills, aiming for artfulness;
- Conflict resolution skills at the penultimate level -- and -- above and beyond all;
- The art of leaning in with one's fullest humanity at the level of Divine connection.
If you would like to employ my services, allow me to provide you with my view of how I see us proceeding; the framework and conditions for the trek, actually.
I have a map of an ascent to the top of this mountain; the one upon which I live on, for real, on ground level and emotionally, psychologically and spiritually, metaphorically.
The map I have is actually one of several combined; its early stages came to me by way of my mentor and official "golden goose," Martin G. Groder, M.D.. You can explore some of its components on my Exploring Your Dark Side: The Adventure of A Lifetime blog. The second phase map came to me through New Horizons Community Development mentor and my personal one, Murat Yagan.
I am so grateful for how generously these Wise Elder teachers of mine have given to New Horizons and myself. They conscientiously paved the way for their wisdom and guidance to be passed on to me and to others with as much clarity as possible. In their lifetimes each in their own ways became renowned for their adeptness at climbing this particular mountain of which I am speaking. In fact, each was known to have climbed much higher ones than this.

They were Wise Mountain Climbers, veterans of rugged ascents with many more years than I, of training -- and supervised skill development. I look to them for guidance.
Nonetheless, over time, willing as I have been as a student, I have also discovered my own particular pathways to climb to the top of this mountain.
After all, I have lived here for years now – and – have been up and down this particular mountain many times.
I should have a fairly well-tread path of my own, wouldn’t you agree?
In fact, my map for the descent is, equally, if not more important, than the one I have for the ascent.
My own wisdom, however, is simply that of experience – and – being a good student.
And, yes, I am also well-educated and professionally trained. That has helped enormously.
But, formal education only goes so far, you know.
It's life in the field that brings it all home.
If you would me have as your guide for this adventure, I ask only three things of you, by way of preparation.
Be mindful, however, I take each of these quite seriously –
- Commitment to the adventure;
- A willingness to take off whatever masks you are wearing; and
- A willingness to accept me without my mask.
Let me know if you are up for the hike.
P.S. Other well-experienced guides will be joining us.
They are each unique individuals (as is everyone else) who are, also, wonderfully "synergistic with me as a team.
Their wisdom equals my own -- and - -might even surpass it.
Yet, when it comes to building peace we are totally like-minded in our intent.
Look for their appearances in the near future.
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