Sunday, April 26, 2020

Up Against The Challenges, We Are On Our Road To Awe

On our self-defined path to awe in this time of mortal challenge, my board members and I’ve skirted sinkholes that might have destroyed us, as a working entity, tripped over potholes, metaphorically twisting our ankles, and, so far, have landed right side up because 

… we pledged at the onset of the lock-down to hang together and support one another through the ordeal. 

Sure we were going to be challenged, once we began to understand what it meant to be threatened by this pandemic, but heading toward awe seemed to be our best bet, if making lemonade out of the barrel of lemons this virus pandemic has brought into our lives is our intent. 

And, surely, we could manage that lofty destination, better together than each on our own.

Even if together means back and forth only by phone and text, as we aren't yet comfortable with video and, of course actual, live contact is NOT an option.

We knew, of course, that if we could manage this well, the lifting of ourselves and one another, on behalf of our own selves and within our small “elite” Truth Or Dare GAME Community, our next steps would be to easily offer ourselves as guides in service to other virus survivors, destination: AWE, even in this time of crisis. 

Not only would we offer to guide the kinds of community building we do best, a much needed craft for these hard times, but, through support and teaching – and – also being role models, though only a mere few chapters ahead of many, dealing with things with which we have no previous experience, coronavirus and quarantining for starters, to help save ourselves and others from unthinkable tragedy, should it strike us, personally.

If only, if only we could make it through, infection-free, intact overall health-wise, emotionally and spiritually.

But then came the other, the stuff people bring into difficult times, making them even more difficult –


Seen any STUFF around you these days?

You do? So you know what I mean. 

Goodness gracious the STUFF we are dealing with these days is hard!

At New Horizons/ZOP, however, we are moving through our stuff, with such unity and grace, it is truly wonderful, sometimes even seeming like a miracle. 

I'm sure you will want to hear how we are accomplishing this "awesomeness" which we will gladly share when the time is right. So I'll do my best to get back here with more storytelling of NH/ZOP adventures through ....whatever lies ahead.

And, in due time, once we have managed to navigate our small group of board members through our stuff in reaching for awe, we are going to be able to invite you, too, in for the climb with us. 

Hope y’all, our readers, are doing okay, out there.

My Board and myself send you our very best wishes and prayers that you stay safe and well.

More later. 

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