Monday, January 31, 2011

I Mis-Spoke

Anastasia Comment

I mis-spoke on my last blog when, I suggested that the mediocrity I am frustrated with (as I shared in my Anastasia The Storyteller blog) applies to any of my close friends.

Wrong! Apologies to my Beloved closest friends. I mis-stated (oops) when I wrote –

They are the ones that frustrate me with their mediocrity, depleting the passion in my soul, if I let it.” I posted that without totally thinking it through. OOPS (a second time)!
So much for spontaneity.

Of course, I have some frustration when and where close friends of mine and I are not presently synergistic. Isn’t that human nature when you love connectedness above almost all else? On the way to perfection such as it may be for a human? However, I am most gratified to acknowledge that not a single.close friend of mine is other than on a serious, committed path to clarity and truth.

Am I blessed? Or what?

Thanks, y'all for being so awesome.

Truth be told -- On my journey back from blindness, learning anew to navigate the mainstream, seeing world, I did some serious inventory-taking -- garden of friendship weeding! My new sight included the need to discard some old weeds, making room for new life and bouquets of beauty where I had accumulated some debris. Still there will always room for the old to grow again -- though -- in the new ways I've learned on the peak of the Mountain of Awe.

To the person, each and every close friend in my life is actively committed (each and every day) to heading toward the peak of the Mountain of Awe.

Sometimes we are just climbing that mountain in different locations for the time being. The mediocrity that I --- like many others – am totally crazed and frustrated with is in the masses.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pledge #4: Top 14 Things To Do/Be Daily ...

Pledge #4 – Pledge to actively (daily) work on developing (in yourself) the following fourteen top personal attributes for DOING and

BEing peace.... to be a true NH Small “Zones of Peace”-activist.
(Feel free to add more of your own, if you like.)
  • Altruism
  • Compassion
  • Courage
  • Courtesy
  • Forgiveness
  • Generosity
  • Good Temper
  • Gratitude
  • Guilelessness
  • Humbleness
  • Kindness
  • Patience
  • Perseverance
  • Sincerity
Begin by thoroughly reading and following the links on our "Adventure Of A Lifetime" posting.

Our map, if you follow it, will get you to "Awe," I promise. Map originated by Murat Yagan.

From Anastasia
Snowed in up in the mountains.
Storm strong enough to uproot our old apple tree.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Adventure Of A Lifetime

Wait -- just a minute before we move on to the next “what to do” pledges.

If you really want to get on board with the real New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace” Project approach, you really must take a look at what lies at our foundations.  You can read a synopsis of our essential message at -- Exploring Your Dark Side: The Adventure Of A Lifetime

New Horizons Small “Zones Of Peace” is a mighty project with strong roots going back to – of all places – Watergate -- and -- a prison rehab program. (Read Ken Windes’ story “Walking Through The Walls” to find out more about these powerful prison rehab roots.)

Most importantly for our purposes here is the -- “Where Is Your Compassionate Warrior Hiding” quiz (formerly titled the “Where Is Your Dark Side Hiding” quiz).

The quiz will give you a map as to where your Dark Side or saboteur -- the part of you that is vulnerable to allowing violence (even subtle violence) or deceit (even little white lies) to be used for coping with life’s stresses – is hiding.

Your snakey behaviors sabotage the peace that radiates from the inside to the outside of you. Come on! Admit it! We all have these coping strategies. If you own up to the convict, mean guy in you (my Dark Side is truly MALE, sorry guys), I promise you can have so much more fun in life.

Naughty ican be nice, if you know how to handle it -- and -- have appropriate parameters for it.

I am a competent guide into and through the terrain of the Dark Side because I have so much experience coming face-to-face with my own and transforming it.

For personal guidance on working through these challenging life obstacles, check out “Anastasia and The Adventure Of A Lifetime” to contact me.

These snakey behaviors are the parts of us that will – always -- sabotage our climbing to the peak (or even halfway up) of the Mountain of Awe. While you are exploring the quiz etc, take a visit to the other many hidden treasures you’ll find on this website on the old New Horizons (before Small “Zones of Peace” was introduced (2006). And, be sure to make a stop at our --

where you can make a purchase to -- light up your life and

contribute to our growing efforts to create -- small “zones of peace”


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The "What Not To Do" Pledge, #3

OK. OK. I get it.

I am communicating on a post doctoral level. And, you, my readers need me to convey my ideas on a #101 level.

Even my closest friends and family point this out to me. This limitation of mine is why you haven't heard from me for awhile. Is that a good excuse for not communicating?  Probably not?

Nonetheless, maturity and blindness took my words into the esoteric. Now, I'm having trouble communicating on a down-to-earth level.

Sorry. I haven’t got that problem worked out yet.

But I am working on it.

So, please, keep hangin' around here. Meanwhile, let me leave you with the following tip for Pledge #3 – (from Gandhi’s quote below).

Then we will move on (for awhile to more of the "what to do pledges.")

“We do best to begin by carving out territories or zones of peace in our personal relations where violence and deceit won’t be used.” Mahatma Gandhi

Tip of the day for Pledge #3.

Ignoring darkness does not make it go away (in your self or in others).

I know this one first hand. Been through the FIRE.

Becoming aware of darkness in yourself and others and how it plays out in your close interpersonal relationships affords each one of us the opportunity to – Heal Darkness.

In fact, the singular best opportunity you will ever find!

The "old" New Horizons program became famous, if not infamous, for its adeptness at identifying and working to transform darkness in the individual and our original small “zones of peace” (i.e.therapeutic communities).

The name of our game – Truth or Dare!

Would you have the guts to play a game with a name such as this?

More on this later. Ok. So now we are going to leave our “what not to do pledge,” #3, and go on with more of what to do.

But we will come back to this Pledge #3, again and again. It won’t go away.

If you really want to be a genuine peace-builder, walking your walk, not just talking your talk, you’ve got to get this one down to your own particular science.

Top 14 things to do/be as a true peace activist. Coming next..

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Subtle Violence -- Defined

Subtle violence = interactions such as power abuses, bullying and other interpersonal exchanges designed to hurt or control individuals and groups, emotionally and/or psychologically. Behaviors closest to violence and threats of violence.

*Subtle violence often includes discounting, denial and lying behaviors from perpetrators, often holding themselves to be blameless and even victims.

Subtle violence is not so subtle.. when you’re the target!

(Headline from “Subtle Violence” prevention campaign. Shepherd College, now Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, 2003.)

*This is only the beginning of a very complex subject.  Discounting, lying and acts stemming from denial need to be explored, especially with their systematic implications.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Small "Zone of Peace" Can Be Anywhere

With our first three pledges, we’ve laid down a foundation upon which to build our small “zones of peace.”

I Pledge –

Now let's do some building to make that foundation strong and sturdy by digging more deeply into applications of these pledges.

Small “Zones Of Peace Action Step #3

I pledge to do my utmost, everyday in everyway, to keep my small “zones of peace” free of violence and deceit.

Tip of the day – "Subtle violence isn’t subtle when you are the target."

We’ve got to apply these action steps everyday in everyway. The BIG question is do we really know how?

Coming next, what is – “Subtle violence."

And, what does it mean to apply the principle that --

"Subtle violence isn’t subtle when you are the target."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Small "Zones Of Peace" Action Step #3

Small “Zones Of Peace Action Step (#3 0f 10):

I pledge to do my utmost, everyday in everyway, to keep my small “zones of peace” free of violence and deceit.

Mahatma Gandhi offered us the words below –

We do best to begin by carving out territories or zones of peace in our personal relations where violence and deceit won’t be used.”

As far as our Small “Zones Of Peace” Project is concerned this is the “Peace Action Step” that is the centerfold, the essence of peace-building. There is much to say about it. I've got stories -- and -- more stories. I hope you do too that you will be willing to share here.

This step is a whopper!

Built into it is all about climbing the Mountain of Awe and snakey behaviors; the light and the dark side of peace action for real.

Hearing what your comments and thoughts are about this pledge can make a difference in the impact our discussion here can have for real time peace building. Please be generous and share your stories.

How have you applied this action step to your life?

How has this pledge (added to our #1 and #2 Peace Action Steps) brought you to “elegant solutions” peace building in your life?

More to come...