Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Our Next Steps

Michael, one of our
dedicated, hard working
Only six weeks into our new Possible Society Study and this project is already moving a whole lot faster than I anticipated. Oh my. Oh my. I told you there was a lot going on behind the scenes of our organization. It only looked like things were moving at a snail’s pace from the outside.

I already need a vacation and it is still only September. Or, at least a snooze like our summer volunteer helper, Michael, as pictured here. 

The activities listed below are the highlights of what we have planned for the coming months, until the end of 2011. As our Possible Society study moves into high gear and we do our best to achieve this with awe, we are going to be needing a lot of flexibility to roll with the shifts and not get ahead of ourselves here. That means we may need to make adjustments which we will do as necessary; first things first. Nonetheless, here is our planned menu.

1. Possible Society interviews (remember the intention of our study is do 400 interviews by December 31, 2014);

2. Training of interviewers and other volunteer staff for our expanding activities. (As of last week, we now have donated office space in Frederick, Maryland!)

3. Developing a viable Possible Society In Motion Think Tank, open exclusively to study participants. Now meeting Thursday afternoons in Frederick County, Maryland with intentions to expand as we proceed forward. (Space donated courtesy of Sue deVeer.);

4. Securing our organization’s infrastructure in order to support the expansion the Possible Society study is now bringing and ensure our growth and stability;

5. A Volunteer Appreciation Day luncheon, tentatively scheduled for November, 2011, to express our gratitude to our volunteers, leisurely hang out with one another and boost our already buoyant teamwork energies.

6. Fundraising Our price tag for the developing and growing of our study and the programs, projects and publishing efforts emerging from it for the remaining months of 2011 -- $50,000 (many times over for 2012).

And, to be announced on our next posting, our first Possible Society In Motion event, Sunday, October 23, 2011.

Make your tax deductible contribution to our efforts soon. Avoid the last minute rush.

Please support our Possible Society In Motion Project in any way you can!

We need:

Volunteers to assist and support the study;

Volunteers for the retreat center remodeling project. (We would like to be able to start doing retreat weekend trainings in 2012);

Gifts In Kind for our Habitat For Healing remodeling project (Contact Sue for these donations. She is also the chairperson of our retreat center remodeling project. Her cell number is 240.367.4403.)

Cash donations. Help us raise the dollars we need:

Price tag, 2011: $50,000.

You can also help support us by purchasing Pearl LED bulbs. Help us light a path to peace.

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