Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Bus Ride Story Adventure:

What It Is And What It Is Not

I might be able, with Sue’s help, to make a list or two about what our Bus Ride Story Adventure is and what it is not. But I will hold off for now on the list making. I feel inclined, instead, to “try” to explain our mission by drawing from Murat Yagan’s monograph, “Transformation And The Seven Ways To Knowledge.”

My excerpt from this is offered on the page linked here. (Hopefully completed and posted by Saturday.) This will aid you, I trust, in being able to more fully grasp that while Sue and I are presenting, presently, merely, at the “Show and Tell” level, the true destination for our tour is "awe." (Check out our archive links for discussions on awe.)

Still only the courageous adventurers should get on board.

Assuring participants and participants-to-be that we have a viable model for, nothing less than personal and community transformation, is no simple undertaking. Definitely not something readily described in a how-to travel brochure, even with our very best articulation skills, accrued to date.

So there we are, stuck on the language part though not stuck at all on guiding the experience and always learning through the mishaps of our own limitations. However, one must have patience with the process and endurance to bear with us, as we, co-creatively, move through our labyrinth. (Remember, I stated earlier, a bus ride can be like a labyrinth. But you must stay the course to get the rewards.)

The course = a minimum of four to six Bus Ride Story Adventure sessions plus personal processing and guidance between sessions. (Travelers are welcome regardless of length of travel. Reaching awe, however, takes this long.)

Today, having been, once again, called to the undertaking of attempting concrete articulation, I offer this humble formulation, knowing, full well, it is certain to fall short. However, after spending a richly rewarding one hour plus yesterday, via conference call, obtaining feedback on our possible mis-steps from a generous participant of our recent Bus Ride Story Adventure rehearsal, I know I must try and try again to describe that which by its very nature defies easy description.

Sue and I did a complex dance with our generous attendee evaluator, doing our best to learn from the view of another, as to how we can best be effective as guides. Thus we were reminded, again, how much our students are our teachers and just how very steep is the climb.

We are, after all, regardless of how our destination is described in earthly terms, within the limitations of human language, intent on reaching the peak of the Mountain of Awe! Words and explanations only go so far to articulate such a culmination which emerges only through the cumulative efforts of a group going through a process, not an event.

What that means, in the most easy to understand language I can offer, is that we are intent on guiding those who have the courage and commitment to travel/work with us, so that we may, collectively, experience the sense of high unity and cooperation we call synergy and supreme well -being.

Not readily attained human commodities. Attributes of our reaching that peak include, but are not limited to, a collective experience of clarity and win-win outcomes on every level for each and every one of our travelers (No one wins, unless everyone wins.).

Our prayer is that each and every one who chooses to travel with us will have the courage and the commitment to stay the course.

Oh, this is quite an adventure! We are definitely up to it, Sue and I. And we hope the others will be too.

With the challenging effort (Could it be futile as in “you had to be there” ?) in mind to “try” to, more concretely, describe our adventure, I am posting an excerpt of Murat’s “…. Seven Ways To Knowledge” – for the edification of all. And, I reiterate, as on an earlier post, Sue and I, as tour guides on this adventure, are currently presenting only up to levels one and two, the levels of “Show and Tell.”

Will you trust us to guide you to the peak we are after?

(Books by Murat Yagan are available through New Horizons Support Network, Inc. and the Kebzeh Foundation.)

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