Frederick is a wonderful place to work and call home. Many of our energetic leaders exemplify cooperation and compromise. Too often, however, our community is divided by disagreements and divisions between divergent groups who do not understand each other’s concerns and may even distrust one another.
Controversies are sometimes aired in public, revealing that our beloved Frederick is rife with challenges.
Without a systematic approach and forward-thinking strategies, polarized groups frequently remain

We, the organizers of the “I’ve Got A Dream” Conversations Project, are committed to finding productive ways to build bridges for unity. We see the potential here in Frederick for a more exceptional community.
To accomplish this end, it is important that all segments of the community be represented from the beginning.
Thus, we are reaching out to key leaders in Frederick, such as yourself, who are making a difference. To achieve this vision, it is important that everyone take the initiative.
We invite you to participate in the “I’ve Got A Dream” Conversations Project, Community Leaders Think Tank Luncheon. We have been developing and refining our community conversations model since 2003 with notable success and profound impact.
Recently, we have been conducting feasibility studies with key leaders in Frederick County. The feasibility studies have revealed a natural connection between our model and the needs of this community. We seek to share results from our study and ask key leaders such as yourself to share your insights, strengths, and personal vision for building bridges in our community.
The main intent of the meeting will be to form a Guiding Coalition for the “I’ve Got A Dream” Conversations Project. We hope you and your organization will consider participating in: Community Leaders Think Tank Luncheon Meeting Thursday, December 3, 2009

Please register by completing the Registration Form and mailing along with your check to “Encourage Life” P.O. Box 1871, Frederick, MD 21702.
To request a registration form, please call 202-345-0396. RSVP deadline: November 24, 2009.
The cost for the Think Tank Meeting is $50 ($30 of this is tax deductible.)
We look forward to working with you on this project, and to hearing your dreams for Frederick.
Your ideas and inspiration are important. Each of us is carrying a piece of the solution towards reaching our common goals.
We look forward to seeing you.