Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Monthy Fire Circle Storytelling Gatherings To Be Held at BBMV

Collective healing is our goal.

Tentative plan: 

Fire Circle Storytelling - monthly

Topic: From There (March16, 2020 to Here

P.S. Wonder why we"ve had so many aborted plans in our recent past?


1. We've got a mental crisis, actually quite a few of our own. And we draw from the ancient wisdom of physicians -- "physician heal thyself" and also the wisdom of -- "Charity begins at home."

2. Becoming Black Bear Mountain Village ain't been easy.

Join us for Fire Circle Storytelling. We'll share ours. You share back -- kinda like call and response.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

On BEING First -- Ahead Of DOING

From Executive Director Anastasia, A Personal Comtemplation and Sharing

I spent most of the first few months after March 16, 2020 just sitting on my living room couch staring out the windows, gazing at the trees -- marvelous, gorgeous tall old Oaks mostly.

Stunned! In shock! Nowhere to go anyway.

Almost immediately I heard/felt the trees talking back to me. And so it was that I was NEVER alone and discovered that the spirit guides of "all my relations" were with me -- all the time, provided I opened my heart and mind to them.

After a good few months more of this, having since moved myself out of doors onto my favorite warm westher relaxation and tree gazing spot, my old oak rimmed deck outside my living room, situated like a perch high above the mountain road, just right for me to see the occasional car or truck go by below without them seeing me. In this way I began to come to terms with the multilayered crises we were all facing.

Not long after I accepted the state of affairs, I donated my car to charity. Certain I would not be leaving the ten mountainside acres I live on, backed up against 4,000 belonging to the National Park Service -- maybe for forever.

That it has now how it has become. Others would come in and out - board members, contractors, community members and soon a resident intern to live on site with me. And, treasure of all treasures, in 2021 we adopted our family "fur-baby," Charlie B -- an eight week old Chesapeake Bay Retriever, official state dog of Maryland where we are situated.

That is how Black Bear Mountain Village started to become -- born out of the pandemic.

The most important lesson so far - I call it my homegrown Yoda-ism -- is this ...

"BE first. DO after BE"

It is a magical guidepost for me now and it has helped me time and time again these past, going on four years, of unimaginable pressures.

More storytelling from me on the way -- as NH/ZOP becomes Black Bear Mountain Village and I, Anastasia, complete writing Camelot Disrupted -- due out in 2024.

The ride is already becoming a wild one!! My Yodaism keeps me sane and healthy -- happy and grateful

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Black Bear Mountain Village Project To Offer Model For Building Small "Zones Of Peace"

Press Release

With their master plan focused on an initial outreach into Frederick County, Maryland, their nearest town, as the starting point for what is intended to be a DMV regional project, Anastasia Rosen-Jones, Executive Director and Founder of the New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" Project, and long-time collaborator, Sue deVeer, have named their new non-profit, Black Bear Mountain Village, Inc.  in recognition of their beautiful mountainside location, the site of their community development project, Black Bear Mountain Village (BBMV). And indeed, black bears do live here.

Situated on ten acres just above Harper's Ferry on the Maryland side of the national park, the headquarters of the project has been -- and -- continues to be -- undergoing a major remodeling effort begun not long after the pandemic took hold in mid-2020. New outdoor seating and meeting settings in their wooded glen and new trails up the mountainside are part of the long-range vision, now layng out its foundations, preparing for an almost outrageously huge, long-term endeavor, already set in motion. The purpose of the current remodeling and development project is the reopening of what was originally the New Horizons Retreat Center to now be an experiential training location for the new Black Bear Mountain Village Inc.non-profit.

Significantly -- the entirety of the design they are working from actually dates back fifty years, celebrated this year, an adventurous tale worth knowing, soon to be published in fantasy, historical fiction form, intended to be a Black Bear Mountain Village playbook for social activists. Camelot Disrupted is due out in 2024.

The new entity, evolving out of the organization's former non-profit, New Horizons Support Network Inc, was initially based in Montgomery County and focused on treating the dysfunctional dynamics between codependents and power addicts. The new non-profit is the latest iteration of the original entity and its various projects.

Drawing on community organizing principles such as "it takes a village," the BBMV Project sets out, in particular, to embody the words of Mahatma Gandhi speaking to what is needed fundamentally to build a world peace -- "begin by carving out territories or zones of peace where violence and deceit won’t be used.” 

"The BBMV philosophy augments those words, adding that a “small zone of peace” can be anywhere, even your own backyard,” states Anastasia. "And we are aiming to -- using experiential education as our model -- train people in doing this -- starting off in OUR backyard."

Interested individuals, groups and organizations can keep in touch through our blogs and podcasts to find out how our tale unfolds and how they can be part of this innovative solution to our current mental health crisises -- personal isolation and nationwide polarization. Of particular concern is the disconnect between people highlighted by the pandemic era. Building "zones of peace" community structures -- is our solution.  We are seeking volunteers, interns and new members to add to  our Board of Directors. We invite you to build community with us.

For information on participating in this profound project, contact us at: 

It's Official...

Black Bear Mountain Village Inc. has been formed to soon replace New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace.

Press Release announcement coming. Big changes on the way.

Black Bear Mountain Village.. is now a registered non-profit organuzation in the State of Maryland. 501 C 3 pending education and charity process begins.

Corraled horses are we breaking out of the gate heading onto a winning track. Outta -- our gate at Black Bear Mountain Village!! Intent on making a difference in our community and yours.

Adventures for becoming our best for you -- on the way.

Cryptic indeed! 

Too big to know of, how to speak of, understand! Take it all in -- in bits and pieces.

Fifty years on the drawing board. Whoopee!

Details coming.