Monday, November 25, 2019

Shocking News At New Horizons


Thursday, November 21, 2019, 
2 p.m., 
Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute Vandann Surgerical Facility
Baltimore, Maryland

Anastasia Rosen-Jones, Beloved Executive Director, New Horizons Support Network, Inc. underwent emergency surgical removal of her damaged right eye today. She is recovering quietly and well at this time but she will be cutting back her work hours significantly through the end of the year. 

With the love and support of our entire New Horizons Board of Directors – and --- her many friends and supporters, we anticipate Anastasia's being renewed and recovered in the new year.

Look for future details to find out how you, too, can support Anastasia during this challenging time.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Why Truth Matters: A Discussion Forum

Sponsored by The Hood College Democrat Club and the New Horizons Truth Or Dare Movement, an initiative of the New Horizons non-profit organization

Q: Wondering where we've been for the past month or so?
A: "Trying" to launch our Truth Or Dare Movement at Hood College and finding it very trying, indeed.

But tomorrow as we present "Why Truth Matters: A Discussion Forum" we are going to do our best to break through some barriers and expect to have some stories to tell on why this phase has been so godawfully dispiriting and what we can learn from the experience.

Why Truth Matters: A Discussion Forum
Sponsored by The Hood College Democrat Club and the New Horizons Truth Or Dare Movement, an initiative of the New Horizons non-profit organization
  • Is post-truth society and politics getting you down?
  • Do you feel called to speak truth to power? 
  • Are you up for learning new groundbreaking ways that can free you from the chaos of our presently corrupt society and politics
If yes is your answer to these questions, join us for this discussion forum that promises to open the doors of your mind and where you will have opportunity to put your best intentions together with other solution seekers.

Date: Friday, November 8, 2019 
Time: 2 5 p.m.
Location: Whittaker, Room ….

For Details and Reservations, 
Contact: Isabel Malizia                 Email: …..

From the New York Times Truth Campaign

“The truth is hard, Truth is hidden. Truth must be pursued, Truth is hard to hear,…is rarely simple,…isn’t so obvious, Truth is necessary,…can’t be glossed over,…has no agenda,…can’t be manufactured,…doesn’t take sides,…isn’t red or blue, Truth is hard to accept, Truth pulls no punches, Truth is powerful, Truth is under attack,…is worth defending, Truth requires taking a stand…

"The truth Is important now more than ever.”

With guest speaker, anti-corruption expert
Anastasia Rosen-Jones
Executive Director, New Horizons Support Network, Inc.