Also join Anastasia's tea party (on-air broadcast followed by conference call forum) here. Conference Call participation for the Anastasia The Storyteller Radio Show forum follows the eact same steps as below, including phone number and access code.
“Hello, dearies, this is Anastasia calling you.
You know we’ve accomplished so much since we began our
Coffee House Conversations On Race Relations in January. Better even than what
Starbucks could do!
Comes the end of one of our events and folks just want to
keep right on talking, no end in sight
until we’re too tired to continue.
"Anastasia is calling you, dearie." |
Some of us have even taken to going out to eat after a
Coffee House Conversation.
What to do? What to do to sate that hunger?
So many of us are astir from the news events and happenings
of the day, yearning to just keep talking and share our views about the social
and political issues of the day, concerning us.
Now, New Horizons, thanks to the suggestion of my Possible Society In Motion Radio Show co-host, Jack Slattery, has come up with a plan to
extend that buoyancy of our Coffee House Conversations. And, help you join us right
from your own living room.
Imagine this!
Coffee House Conversations is getting set to bring the
discussion to you via --
“Coffee House Conversations by Conference Call (On Society and Politics)”
Begins Thursday, July 30 at 7:oo p.m.
Follow these easy steps and you’re in!
Dial in at: 712.432.0600, access code 640883#;
Say your name and;
Welcome to Coffee House Conversation by
Conference Call with Anastasia and Jack;
Stay as long as you like until around 8:00 or
8:30 p.m.
Just listen and say nothing or speak up and get
into the heat of the discussion.
Jack and I will be just fresh off of our Possible Society In Motion Radio Show, with or without a guest or two, which will have us all
juiced up for great conversation on the important issues of the day.
*You can
listen to the show, if you like by dialing 347.237.5351 at 6:30 p.m. or not, totally
Please join us!
We want to hear your views and pass them
around for the sharing as we support one another in bettering our lives and our
We can have as many as one hundred callers or just one or two!
Be one of the bunch.