Monday, August 31, 2020

Pandemic Survivors Support Group and Other Behind The Scenes Happenings

Next Forest Bathing Sanctuary Event Scheduled …

Remember last month, at month’s end, I provided a report to our supporters and followers from behind the scenes?

It was excruciatingly difficult for me to write even that much last month. Everything seems so hard these days.

Still I wanted to stay in contact as best I could. 

This month, same struggle. So I thought I’d, at least, provide an updated summary of what’s going on here.

It’s BIG!!! I can tell you that much. And only an act of G-d can halt the progress. So stay tuned into our happenings. 

(8.2.21 And indeed an act of the Divine did intervene. Not long after this post our team, like for many others, was besieged with challenges made so much harder by covid-19.

Although we did not lose anyone close to covid-19, we did lose our Beloved Board Member, Lisa Boyer, to ovarian cancer on March 11 of this year.)

Even if you don't participate, you might still draw some hope and inspiration from knowing how we are surviving the pandemic, doing optimally well, under the circumstances, with our approach, as long as we can stay healthy.

Here’s a taste of what is now in motion..

Update: 8.31.20 – We now have active members, meeting in our various groups, from west to east coast, with a few potential members in the Midwest and the majority in Maryland where we are headquartered.

We are now pening up our very peaceful Forest Bathing Sanctuary for limited, on-site, very small groups. Maximum 4 people. 

Update: 8.31.20 – Next NH/ZOP Forest Bathing Event. Saturday, September 26
See stories and details here, now under construction.
A slice of the NH/ZOP
Forest Bathing Sanctuary

Mss Study Group, Friday mornings. 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 

Update: 8.31.20 – Our Mss Study Group, introduced in February for NH/ZOP Board Members only, 

Remember: Our Mss Study Group is the prerequisite to all upper tier programs, one that earns you a ticket to participate in: 1. Our daily Pandemic Survivors Support Groups;  2. Monthly Truth Or Dare GAMES and; 3. GAME Community Support Groups (Temporarily on pause, as we start up our new tracks, as offered on this list.)

Daily Pandemic Survivors Support Groups (Now meeting, via conference call, on Monday and Wednesday mornings, time varies, usually begins 10 a.m. Led by Sue deVeer.)

Update: 8.31.20 Going great. Challenges and obstacles of months past, during our initial start-up phase (We are still starting up!) have been transformed, using our very own, home-brewed recipe for turning lead into gold, in the process.

Monthly storytelling at the NH/ZOP Fire Circle. Led by Anastasia.

Update: 8.31.20 –Next NH/ZOP Forest Bathing Sanctuary and Storytelling Event. Saturday, September 19

For details and reservations, contact -- Anastasia at:

6:00 p.m. -- 6 hours yet to go until the clock strikes midnight -- and -- I will have, once again, taking another step forward in NOT having a monthly quota of blog articles to post.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

PAID -- Student Internships, Career -- And --Volunteer Opportunities

The Forest Bathing Sanctuary project at New Horizons/Small "Zones Of Peace" Retreat Center needs YOUR help.

Find out how YOU can be a part of an exciting, uplifting and safe work experience, specially designed to support members of our various communities, near and far, through the pandemic crisis. 

Here’s Our Deal:
  • We are now set to offer paid, part-time career opportunities, internships - with the potential for college credit and work from home.
  • Woods and handyman work also available for local volunteers.
Our Forest Bathing Sanctuary, located on our 10 mountainside acres, just above the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers has now begun to develop our forested area, as a safe, social-distancing space of retreat from the stresses of present everyday life.

So -- we are seeking part-time, paid work-from-home employees, student interns and volunteers who --
  • Like people;
  • Are invested in social action, community development – and – forest bathing;
  • Enjoy moving creative, big picture design-mind thinking into action.
The skills we are looking for are --
  • Internet savvy and adeptness at making our message, mission and offerings more widely known;
  • Research assistants to help us obtain copyright permissions from the Library of Congress and other resources where reports of our former impactful efforts are stored.
We need assistance with these tasks (and more)!

Find out how you can help and become a part of this exciting project, now laying down its foundations.

Read our stories on being an exceptional leader and on exceptional communities, at the top rung of personal involvement and development -- exceptional is what we are all about. 

That's what makes a small "zone of peace."

Bonus Opportunity!

Visitors to our Retreat Center and Forest Bathing Sanctuary, get to, personally, know and " hang out" with the Wise Woman of Elk Mountain, a.k.a. Anastasia, Executive Director and Founder of New Horizons/Small “Zones of Peace” Inc., two entwined non-profit 501 C 3 organizations,.

To apply, contact: Anastasia at: