Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jim French: Opening Show Commentary

Jim French
(With comments and editing by Anastasia)

Jim: New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace” went on the air waves for the first time on the evening of December 20. We used the capability of Blog Talk Radio to achieve this amazing counterpart to the all-too familiar broadcast talk radio that permeates the audio atmosphere. Sometimes it seems that there is more of that than anything really stimulating.

Our first show ran for just 30 minutes; actually that's the maximum period for a free subscription. That will be our limit until we have funding for a more ambitious program. This first program included our host, Anastasia, plus Jim French, a long-time participant in other activities of the New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace” Project, and his friend, Dana French, a former Naval office and organization consultant.
The three of us discussed a variety of aspects of how, we as citizens of the United States, can move beyond our present, highly negative polarization circumstances. Respecting the instructions that Anastasia requested as entrĂ©e to the dialogue, Dana and myself, came prepared to use Anastasia’s Overcoming Polarization address as a jumping off point for discussion.

I viewed the three of us, throughout the broadcast radio show portion of our evening, as moving in the direction of the show’s first theme, “Beyond Polarization,” by examining the question "What causes polarization in the first place?"
Anastasia: I found this notion of Jim’s as to what our broadcast show portion was centered on to be  surprising  when first I read it. I experienced us as, right from the start, exploring solutions to our current day problems of polarization. Not immersed and rehashing the problems. Most significant to me was my experience of seeing how much of an environment for moving “beyond polarization” was being created by Jim and Dana joining with me during our show in this pursuit.

Once again, I was enlightened by the ways in which Jim approaches “what’s happening here” so differently from my own spontaneous viewpoints. Yet both of us are seeing, whatever is our shared focus of the moment, viable angles of the completed picture; a realization for me, again, of how much we all have to learn from taking the time to really listen to what one another has to say.
Jim: Although we didn't reach any firm conclusions, Anastasia picked up on two main points from the broadcast portion as worthy of further exploration. The first offered by myself as the lead-off panelist: (1) the idea that everyone has two poles inside of him or her that may be fighting with each other a lot of the time; the dominant one influences the general approach to contemporary issues. The second presented by Dana: (2) the idea that the process of learning in life follows a spiral pattern and some
people happen to stop at various points along the path, but not continue on to the highest level.

After the actual internet broadcast, which is archived and available for anyone interested in hearing it, we continued our discussion by means of a regular conference call. I had hoped that many folks would join us for this portion and was, thus, disappointed that were only a handful because I believe that more people joining in makes for less complication in a discussion of this nature. Nonetheless those of us who did participate had a lively, engaging, ongoing dialogue for 90 minutes.

Unfortunately that is not in any archive. However, I know that we will be able to pick up the thread of that
dialogue at our next opportunity on December 27."

Anastasia: The conference call -in portion of our show was so rich. I do wish we did have recorded it. I would like to hear it again and again; pregnant, as it was, with possible solutions beyond polarization. I look forward to our continued, newly developing, radio show as having the genuine potential for being of service to our various communities in an expanding effort to move “Beyond Polarization” as possible humans building a possible society.
Along the lines of, collectively, building a bountiful future, I hope our listeners will think to support the efforts of this show, our Possible Human, Possible Society Study and the various programs of the New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace” Project by writing out one of your last checks of 2012 as a tax-deductible donation to our non-profit organization, New Horizons Support Network, Inc,.

A donation form and details as to where to send your contributions are posted on this link.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Possible Society In Motion: Next Show Announced

Move on forward with ---

Small "Zones of Peace" Radio
The Possible Society In Motion Show

Topic: Beyond Polarization: Exploring The Polarization Within
Co-host: Jim French

Thursday, December 27, 6:30 – 8:30 pm.

Note: Program presented in 2 parts

Part 1: 6:30, Anastasia and Jim “explore the polarization within.”
 (on Blog Talk Radio)
Part 2: 7 to 8:30 pm, Anastasia and Jim invite audience participation
(via conference call)

(To join in with our discussion,  read Anastasia’s“Overcoming Polarization” address, the foundation for this show’s conversation.)

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Possible Society In Motion Opening Show

Anastasia’s Commentary

Our first “Possible Society In Motion show was a wonderful experience, achieving just what I was aiming for; true, high minded, “beyond polarization” dialogue. Again, I must repeat, so much to say, so little time, especially today on the eve of Christmas with snow falling, fast and furious, outside my window and a winter advisory in effect.

Nonetheless, a few comments are in order before the next important happening, Christmas Eve, really takes hold. We will, then, keep doing our best, here, to comment with the hope that this new adventure; our “Possible Society In Motion Show,” will soon be enticing you to experience it for yourself. (Next scheduled show announcement for Thursday, December 27, 6:30 pm, forthcoming.)

My panelists, JimFrench and Dana French (unrelated) did this opening show the justice it deserved. They did their homework, as I requested; reviewing my Overcoming Polarizationaddress, prepared to open their discussion comments to carry forward the essence I was attempting to convey with that talk.

Jim’s comments on the importance of each of us exploring the polarization within ourselves were so profound I immediately invited him back to co-host our next show (with a deep wish, on my part, that he will come on board with me for the run of the show). We will open up the next show with his impactful perspectives to start us off.

Dana’s comments were no less profound. As Jim suggests in his commentary on the show, soon to follow this one of mine, once we have expanded on Jim’s opening comments from our first show, I/we will be eagerly looking forward to having Dana back with us to develop his. These two men, our first guests, clearly had well thought out, important insights as to how we can move beyond polarization.

So, we did it!  We created an on-air meaningful conversation (not the same old rehash) on our topic, “Beyond Polarization.” We are, now, on our way to developing a viable forum, having as its mission the intention of helping ourselves, our panelists and other participating guests find, personal and collective, ways to knowing what we, as citizens, can do to move beyond polarization in the U.S.A.

And, since the oft mis-interpreted predictions of the Mayan calendar have now demonstrated that the end of the world has not yet come and we are still here, intact, having the opportunity to not only talk any old talk, but really walk the walk, let’s do it, as much and as quickly as we can!

For inspiration, along those lines, check out this quote from Anne Frank.

One official year; December 31, 2011 to January 1, 2013 doing almost one hundred interviews for our Possible Human, Possible Society Study has certainly shown me a great deal about what it is going to take to intentionally create that best possible society in motion. In return for all the support our study has garnered I pledge to do my best to offer back what I/we are learning to help that effort.

Look for our next New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace” postings that will include an announcement for our next Possible Society In Motion Show and a commentary on our opening show by Jim French.

Merry Xmas!!!

See the Blog Talk Radio icon on this New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace” home page to hear a recorded audio of our show.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Opening Radio Show Panelist Profiles

On The Possible Society In Motion Show
So much to say, never enough time. 

However, allow me, after the fact, to introduce last night’s opening Possible Society In Motion radio show panelists.

If the world does not end today, as predicted, I will get as much up here, today and through next week as time allows, deriving from last night’s show.

It was awesone! A fabulous experience. Everybody participating was awesome, especially the conference call portion. Much more to come, if the world does not end today. Or tomorrow? Or Sunday? (Some give the “ending” a window of a few days.)

Jim French
Jim French is a former association executive for two high-tech, international industries. Over the last ten years he has served as the local producer for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra in Frederick, has taught continuing education courses for Frederick Community College, and is currently serving as Board President for the Maryland Shakespeare Festival. Jim maintains a vibrant interest in international issues through the World Affairs Council and seeks to reduce polarization at home and abroad.

Dana French
Dana French has had two careers over the last 50 years. The first was 30 years as a Naval officer during which he was a commander both afloat and ashore and the designer of the Navy's central leadership training program for all officers and enlisted personnel. His second career as an organization development consultant has been with various public and private clients nationwide offering teambuilding, strategic planning, executive counsel, and conflict resolution.

Local community service has been with various programs and non-profits addressing poverty, the arts, community leadership development, and creating an infrastructure of collaboration in Frederick County, Maryland.

While serving on the Committee For Frederick County, he developed a Code of Civility and an initiative to get candidates running for elective office to agree to abide by the Code during their campaigns and after being elected.

Many thanks to our panelists, Jim and Dana. Not only for their exceptionalism as models of moving "beyond polarization," but also for their time and spirit in helping me put this opening show together and on the air.

Much more to come!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Possible Society In Motion Show -- Update details


Small "Zones of Peace" Radio

The Possible Society In Motion Show

Hosted by: Anastasia Rosen-Jones

Thursday, December 20 & 27, 6:30 – 8:30 pm.

Note: Program presented in 2 parts

Part 1: 6:30, Anastasia leads a panel discussion
(on Blog Talk Radio)

Part 2: 7 to 8:30 pm, Anastasia with panelists and audience participation
(via conference call)

Topic: Beyond Polarization
 (To join in with our discussion, read Anastasia’s“Overcoming Polarization” address, the foundation for this show’s conversation.)
Guest panelists

Program and discussion, agenda and guidelines, link here.


Monday, December 17, 2012

More Possible Society In Motion Radio Show, plans in motion

As we move forward with plans for our first Small “Zones of Peace” Radio talk show program, here is how our design is shaping up.
Caution: Since we are totally new at this, please keep checking in for updates and connection details. Anything can happen, as you know, when you are just learning the ropes.

So far our blueprint looks like this.
Show title: The Possible Society In Motion Show on Small “Zones of Peace” Radio

Episode title: Beyond Polarization 

The Society In Motion Show

Date: Thursday, December 20 and 27

Time: 6:30 p.m. (7 to 8:30 pm) conference call discussion.
Duration: 30 minutes, panelists on Blog Talk Radio, 1.5 hours (7 to 8:30 pm) conference call-in discussion. (Call- in number forthcoming.)

Description (as posted on Blog Talk Radio):
A panel of experienced community bridge builder facilitators takes up the subject of what we, as citizens, can do to move beyond polarization in the U.S.A. Hosted by New Horizons Small “Zones of Peace” Project Executive Director and Founder, Anastasia Rosen-Jones.

Comments by panelists and the subsequent discussion, including audience call ins, will build its theme upon Ms. Rosen-Jones’s Overcoming Polarization address as presented on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at Hood College.
Panelists to be announced.

Panelists introductory comments, led by Ms. Rosen-Jones, will be responded to following the Blog Talk Radio show with a conference call discussion from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. (Conference call in number to be posted.)
Review of Ms. Rosen-Jones’ Overcoming Polarization address required for discussion participation.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Announcing The Possible Society In Motion Radio Show


Small "Zones of Peace" Radio 

The Possible Society In Motion Show

Hosted by: Anastasia Rosen-Jones
Thursday, December 20, 7 -- 9 pm.
Topic: Beyond Polarization

(To join in with our discussion, read Anastasia’s“Overcoming Polarization” address, the foundation for this show’s conversation.)

The "Overcoming Polarization" kickoff event, held last Wednesday evening, December 12 at Hood College, opened the doorway to New Horizons next exciting project, “The Possible Society In Motion Show.

Look for more details on our two blog sites to be posted in the coming days.

 Also see, “Overcoming Polarization” -- related stories and original kickoff event announcement (October 30 kickoff event rescheduled to December 12 due to Hurricane Sandy.)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Where have you been Anastasia?


Dreaming and doin
1.       So much to do, so little time.

2.       So much going on behind the scenes;

3.       Such a big package: New Horizons Support Network, Inc. and its two main initiatives!

·         The Small “Zones of Peace” Project

More stories and announcements coming soon.

Also visit Anastasia The Storyteller.