Saturday, January 27, 2018

Update: “Beyond Gender Tyranny” Project

New Horizons’ Small “Zones of Peace” Project presenting --

“Beyond Gender Tyranny” 
  • Mending the broken fences of male-female relationships
  • Building bridges of compassion and understanding
Update on what we now have in motion --
  • Organizing a bag lunch conversation on “Moving Beyond Gender Tyranny” for Frederick County agencies, organizations, businesses and individuals – tentative April date—in progress;
  • Survey on Frederick County male views, experiences and needs – interviews now beginning;
  • Survey on Frederick County women’s #MeToo experiences, support needs – blueprint stage;
  • New Horizons county-wide support group model – being undated;
  • Support group facilitator training curriculum – being updated;
  • Beyond Gender Tyranny "Consciousness-Raising Forum":  Organizing and planning for monthly consciousness-raising forum" for overcoming today’s gender polarization --  Date and Time: TBA -- plans in progress.
How you can participate –

Join us in helping to build an eventual county-wide male-female support network in Frederick County (and beyond*). (We might need to separate the sexes to get started. But we need to come together, ultimately, if wholeness and health is our true agenda.)

*Note: Because we believe that small “zones of peace” can reach a thriving level of sustainability more readily than one large mass, our model is to establish and maintain small community units that can merge with larger ones while still preserving their own unique cultures. Frederick County, Maryland is our test community for continuously developing and refining this approach. 
  1. Encourage your agency, group, organization or individuals to attend a bag lunch discussion on the #MeToo impact in Frederick* (and beyond);
  2. Help us design a feasibility study for how we might develop a county-wide initiative to raise the bar for female respect, safety and security in Frederick*  (and beyond);
  3. Encourage the males you know, or yourself, if you are male, to participate in the New Horizons “Beyond Gender Tyranny Study, Part I,” examining male views and needs for navigating our present male-female troubled waters;
  4. Invite Anastasia to address your group or organization with her research findings and clinical experience from her more than forty years of experience working with adult, male-female power and dependency issues; 
  5. Attend New Horizons next male-female public discussion forum on gender disparity.
Your opportunity to be a gender tyranny game-changer, personally or with your organization!

For Details, Contact: Anastasia Rosen-Jones
Email: Cell: 240.409.5347

Be sure to read our many articles on the theme of “Beyond Gender Tyranny” 

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