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How about being an excitement seeker?
Check out where that drive and/or your excitement seeking) is placing you, on our Compassionate or Dark Side Warrior profile.
Also see:
Now let's get down to business!!
NH/ZOP, our two intertwined non-profit organizations, has big plans ahead!
Remember this, if you are so inspired!
Taking, scoring, then digging down deeper inside yourself through the guidance of my
Compassionate Warrior quiz and the profound and powerful
theoretical foundations, underlying that inventory, that can help you to, systematically, build a personally unique pathway out of your excesses, pandemic and otherwise, will be your entry point. Find out and refine that which drives you excessively to join the adventure, long time coming!
Planning now. Action, well-developed, likely to launch in 2023, after book publication. Join us now as our adventure unfolds.
Believe me, I, Anastasia, wouldn't be working so diligently these days, to write my new book in progress,
Camelot Disrupted, Book One: Lost Hope Regained, my personal story, fictionalized in a tale intent on depicting the journey of lead into gold transformation, dark side warrior into compassionate, were it not for
the prophecy behind it, received fifty -- 50!!! years, almost the day before President Richard Nixon resigned!
Imagine that happening!
The Board Members of NH/ZOP have spent the last twenty months!!! exploring the underpinnings of all that lies beneath such an occurrence. Along with me, each of the "elite" participants drives to urgency and learning how to redirect each that excessive intensity, as we suppoted one another through our battles with it.
As the official guide of the class, given my having researched and written the text for it, I had grown right along with my students.
In a time out of mind, all kinds of unusual arrangements have emerged. This was one of them for which each one of us was grateful. Now, beginning Part II, of that most unexpected adventure, we are coming through the challenge truly changed.
Our "Elite" Mss Study Group/Class along with our twice weekly support groups -- and our shared devotion to truthfulness and synergy -- have brought us this.
Board Member Sue expressed it this way .--
"We began our Mss Study Group less than two weeks!! before covid-19 and its repercussions took over our lives and became a constant, little knowing what lay ahead. By the time we had Session #2 on March 24, we were beginning to realize we were in for quite an ordeal.al
Along with all the other shocks bombarding us daily at that point, Board Member Sue was almost incredulous when our next chapters ahead, contained, of all things, a detailed formula for making it through covid-19 healthfully, mental health-wise, provided one remained alive and healthy physically.
Sue continued --
"Who could ever have imagined that Anastasia's first book of here Random House Trilogy, Surviving Addictions: Transforming The Rebellious Survivor Inner Child, boxed away in an old trunk and file cabinets could have brought us this!! And, just when we need it the most.
Wouldn't you like to learn how to redirect that overdrive thrust of excessive URGENCY that covid-19 has exacerbated in you, regardless of where you were pre-pandemic?
OMG!! I was totally in the grip! But I'm out now.
How about you?
Bottom Line: You've got questions. We've got answers. And decades-old strategies to help bring you through.
Just as we have assisted one another.
How might you get started on your adventure of a lifetime?
Look for details, coming soon.
In the meantime, take my Compassionate Warrior inventory and see what it tells you about YOU!