Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Possible Society In Motion Community Development Model

Note: The Possible Society In Motion Community Development Model had formerly been named the Counterculture Development Model. It was renamed as per New Horizons Board of Directors decision, July 14, 2013.


the Counterculture Community Development Model
*Renamed the Possible Society In Motion Community Development Model, 7/14/2013
Charlie Brotman, my former public relations agent, offered me the following wisdom from his many years of experience as Washington’s number one public relations agent.
Goddess rising!
“If you want us to publicize what you have to market on the pages of the "Washington Post," as you are requesting, lay it out for us as well-defined as a couch. This is what we need in order to sell it.”
That was in about 1997, just before I lost my eyesight (1998). Charlie had been my press agent in the late ‘60s. I had been his very first client, after he left the Washington Senators baseball team.

Now I was wanting to return as his client, many years later, to promote my forthcoming books, the myriad programsof New Horizons and our Harpers Ferry Retreat Center as a training and healing center.

“Well, Charlie, a long time has passed since that time and a good deal has happened. But I haven’t ever stopped trying to figure out how to  give you that “couch,” so I could get back on your list of clients, again. Even if I am not number one, any longer, here is my best shot to date.”
Today, I/we are introducing New Horizons’ “couch.” Otherwise to be known as the --

Counterculture Community Development Model.
*Renamed the Possible Society In Motion Community Development Model, 7/14/2013

(The last business Charlie named for me was the U.S. "Male" Service, circa 1967.)

If I’ve got it now, soon it will be time for the –
Return of a goddess (who be me)!

More to come.

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