Storytelling, as a respectable, almost ordinary activity is beginning to infiltrate my daily life these days, like never before. I barely know how to make sense of it and what is happening for me because of it.
For example, this morning I had occasion to talk, at length, to a senior colleague of mine I have known for close to forty-five years. Something -- I don’t quite remember what it was at the moment -- got us talking yesterday in such a way that, unexpectedly, brought me to share a few important pieces of who I am with her that were a total surprise to her.
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Stories Everywhere! |
Well, one thing led to another. And before you know it, yesterday’s sharing between us led to our having a follow up conversation this morning for three and one-half hours, exchanging stories back and forth!
Would you believe that!!!
Storytelling, spontaneously, brought she and I to cross a bridge to one another we were not even aware we needed to cross.
And somehow I am changed by this.
You are, too, when storytelling enters your life, filling a role for human connectedness you probably had no idea needed gratifying.
But there it is, as close as the very next person you encournter!
A “yearning for an unknown something better,” fulfilled, is how our Beloved Murat might describe it; a heretofore unrealized need for human bonding, coming about in a most unexpected way.
The potential is there always “where two or more are gathered in His name.”
Isn’t that awesome; almost like bringing magic into your life, available all around you, almost everywhere, if you will just stop a moment and “smell the roses,” so to speak.
I love it!!
Stories, everywhere; yours, mine and ours.
Makes me think of Anne Frank's thought --
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.Today can be that day of yours to "starting to improve the world." Storytelling can be your vehicle. Poor, dear Anne Frank gave us hers through her diary and did not live to know what a difference her stories made to people around the world.
We can make a difference too through our storytelling -- and -- listening through the support of New Horizons, partnering with StoryCorps. Your stories, too, can be held in perpetuity and shared with others, as were Anne's. And stored at the Library of Congress through StoryCorps.
How incredibly awesome!
We will be glad to show you how to make a beginning at our coming --
First session, October 14, 2017. Details here.
As for me, I think I will go off and contemplate this for a while, now, and see what happens next in this magical day of mine!
From Steve Lebherz a.k.a James Bond, New Horizons Board Member
ReplyDeleteThis is a very good blog article. I hope it sparks people's interest so that they will want to come from our meetings.
a.k.a also "Menchie"