Also see
Seeking Sanctuary In These Turbulent Times,,,
After taking an obligatory and lengthy hiatus (1999 – 2018) due to my losing my eyesight and almost all things New Horizons needing to go on hold, we are so extremely grateful, these days, to be back in action that each GAME day is cause for rejoicing, extra specially.
Past GAME days (or weekends, as the rule had been back in those days, 1976 -- 1998) had been eagerly anticipated, almost with reverence, most players knowing that whatever pain would be endured would be well worth the gain in the end. Rightfully we expected to be able to reach a collective “awe,” albeit briefly.
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in our GAME! |
Rarely were we disappointed.
(Well, there was that one time when two sex addicts, formerly strangers before our GAME weekend began, hooked up in our retreat center hot tub, the night before the GAME really got going.
What a mess that was trying to sort out all the dark stuff and regain our truth-telling stability!
But we did come through it, okay because, even with extreme challenges, that is who and what we were helping one another become.)
Now that we are back in action – and regularly, it seemed appropriate, in January, for us to now start taking stock of how each of has grown and changed since the first of our “new” GAMES, held in September, 2018.
Indeed, we are evolving, each one of us in our own unique way, quite beautifully. Thanks to our having, once again, created a New Horizons small “zone of peace” sanctuary through our GAME, its principles and processes.
However, each of us is aware that achieving this personal progress, up against the backdrop of the three recent years of chaos in our country, since the new administration took office in January, 2017, has been particularly challenging, as we find ourselves now, like never before, obstructed, not only by our own proclivities, our relationships, personal and professional, and our immediate surroundings but also, like never before in America in peace time, confronted by the many upsets going on in our government, infringing, almost daily, on our peace of mind.
Like a roller coaster ride, our organization and the people in it have gone round and round, up and down trying to successfully guide the mission of our organization, the creating – and sustaining of small “zones of peace,” a mission inspired by the following words of Mahatma Gandhi, regarding world peace.
“We do best to begin by carving out territories or zones of peace in our personal relations where violence and deceit won’t be used.”
Our vision of what it is to be doing well in directing this objective, “thinking globally, acting locally,” has never been an easy one to achieve. After all, if freedom from violence and deceit were easy to come by, wouldn’t most people now have that with ease?
Still, our mission is a tall order under the best of circumstances.
However, in this sea of turbulence, this era of extreme divisiveness, like we have never seen before in America, it has been particularly challenging, as you, no doubt know yourselves.
That is, if such ideals matter to you, which obviously, as things stand, does not seem to be a goal for everyone.
Nonetheless, we are not the kind of organization to just sit back and be steam-rolled or discouraged when our best laid plans fail to come to fruition, as they have, time and time again, these past three years.
So we are ever more grateful for our GAME days, our small “zone of peace” sanctuary and what we are accomplishing with one another in our very special healing and transforming environment, the GAME, based on truth-telling, truth-listening and our pledges to integrity and loving kindness.
One of our board members who survived the California Carr Fire and much added distress after sent me a text, following Saturday’s GAME, with the following, in spite of all she has been through.
I woke up feeling so beautiful about what we achieved yesterday. I will work to hold that and transform it.Her words affirmed for me that New Horizons/Small “Zones of Peace” Truth Or Dare GAME is accomplishing what the world around us is apparently having more trouble with than we are, the members of our “elite” Truth Or Dare GAME.
I offer this report to you, with the hope that you will be inspired by what I am sharing here, in this time of America’s distress. And pretty soon are going to figure out how you, too, can get in the action with us which, by the way, is as close as your phone, if you cannot be with us in person.
Here is one of my versions of "Why Play New Horizons Truth Or Dare GAME."
Find out your own version by learning to play with us and attaining the transformation, personally and collectively, this powerful process, the GAME, promises to teach you.
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