Monday, September 22, 2014

Reversible Trends In The U.S.A.

First off, if you really care about our country’s functioning at its best, you’ve got to actively support that ideal, each and every day!

I/we at New Horizons get it! You think we are all stuck in the muck.  Our study affirms that, revealing that  --

Better than 90% of you (maybe even 95%), considering our interviewees as representative, believe you are powerless or lack the skills or other resources to impact our national social and political crises.
Are you, part of the
problem or the solution?

And, you are definitely right about these beliefs, somewhat. But it really pays to get a bit more specific about where and how you are powerless rather than just assuming it across the board.

So if you want a better country there is a bunch of stuff, YOU can do, beginning right now, once you get power and powerlessness straight.

Little Anne Frank told us how it really is. She stated  --
“….nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
Attitudes, backed by actions are the way!

You better believe this and act on it, or consider yourself a slacker; a part of the problem ‘cause you are not yet a part of the solution.

We at New Horizons have come to understand more than we did about the issue. Thanks to the generous people who have given of their time and energies to participate in our Possible Human, Possible Society Study. we’ve now got some specific data on who is “walking the walk” and how for a better U.S.A. – and who is just “talking.”

We understand that you may believe you are POWERLESS and in many ways you are.

You may believe you are lacking in skills or other resources to make impact. Likely you are correct in this regard also -- somewhat.

But the real deal actually is this –
  1. You are not TOTALLY powerless; and
  2. You are not TOTALLY without resources; and
  3. There are plenty of options about how to help you develop the necessary skills to help our country better itself;
  4. For starters, New Horizons is now getting set to help you utilize your assets by developing programs where you can learn “build a better U.S.A.” attitudes and skills.
Look for more and more “Anastasia The Super Sleuth tips to assist you on this path, if you care.

And, if you dare!

In the meantime, here is a quote from a New Horizons’  press release stating our position, based on preliminary findings from our Possible Human, Possible Society Study.

It tells of how my own personal perspectives about power and powerlessness began developing out of what I learned at home in my family. The full press release is linked below, followed by the quote taken from it.

“Anastasia Rosen-Jones, New Horizons’ Executive Director, the stepdaughter of a Holocaust survivor, stated, “I am continually aware that my “mom” survived the Holocaust because ordinary people acted in remarkable ways during tragic times. If lives were saved out of the Holocaust by ordinary people doing extraordinary things, we ought to be able to do even more, in the U.S.A.

To our way of thinking, at New Horizons, even this one example, of a personal nature, is illustrative that if people choose to give conscientious consideration, even to unknown others, we can be the change we are after, without making it all about our elected officials.”

If you care about our country, YOU, personally, must support the yearnings  and ideals of your heart and mind by actively being and doing your best, each and every day as a decent citizen of the U.S.A.

To achieve this there are certain attitudes and actions YOU must embrace. 

New Horizons is now getting set to assist you with this.

Details will come over time. 

Anastasia Super Sleuth Says --
  • Be cautioned, results require a long term commitment. 
  • No quick fixes here.Get off of the "give it to me now" platform. 
  • Be prepared to work for your ideals.

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