Thursday, December 31, 2015

Year End Assessment: Coffee House Conversations Project

Bottom Line: Community dialogue in our locale has been a promising first step, but only a first step. 

We’ve still a long way to go, if systemic change of the whole is our aim. Which for New Horizons it definitely is.

As New Horizons first year of Coffee House Conversations began to wind down, following our final 2015 conversation’s event on December 5, Coffee House Conversation #3 on Humanizing our Citizen-Police Relations, my mind instinctively moved to assessment. 

What had we accomplished in this year of approximately nine major Coffee House Conversation events and many energetic behind-the- scenes planning meeting?

Pluses and minuses from a year well spent. What was our net?

At the top of the list, certainly, is that New Horizons made a lot of new friends, drew people together of a like-minded bent, at least those having a yearning to connect through dialogue with the hope of strengthening our shared spaces.

A promising first step! With that I am pleased and gratified.

Then there was the downside that I began to pore over; the weak spots that, when viewed from a reflective distance, were of concern to me.

Here are a few of these.  They are already showing up on my 2016 “to do” list insofar as I/we (meaning the collective at New Horizons) can be a part of solutions.

Areas where our program and participants need to develop proficiency, if true “exceptional community” development is a goal, which it most certainly is for us.
  • Being able to truly enter into dialogue and move beyond debate with emotionally charged issues;
  • Risking getting into emotionally charged issues that will need to be addressed if genuine community health is desired;
  • Conflict resolution (at New Horizons we call this moving from “snags to synergy);”
  • Learning to truly “lean in” to people who are different or who hold markedly different viewpoints, especially where emotionally charged issues present and need to be addressed for the good of the whole;
  • Developing compassion and understanding regarding differences;
  • Developing endurance and patience with the process of systematic community change upon which we are only newly embarking.
As I end this year of 2015, still recuperating from my recent cornea transplant surgery, these items are high on my list. I hope they are, also, objectives that matter to others in my neighborhood who will be courage enough to pursue them. These do, indeed, take a courage not everyone has -- yet. (Maybe they will later when they find out the benefits.)

On behalf of my devoted New Horizons Board of Directors, this is our way of saying that we are certain that the societal change to which we are committed is, indeed, a process, not an event, even a series of them as richly rewarding as our 2015 Coffee House Conversations.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Coffee House Conversations: The Love Story Behind It All

As 2015 nears its end and annual recaps come to the fore, we thought our readers and Possible Society In Motion Radio Show listeners might enjoy listening to the podcast of the love story behind the Coffee House Conversations Project.

Here is the link to the radio show that introduced the project through the story titled “Leaning Into Conversations on Race Relations: A Love Story.” 

If it inspires you to share how this past year of societal turbulence affected you, please write us by email at: or post your comments on this site.  

We would so much like to know how you have been affected and possibly moved into action in your own personal ways. After all, whatever it is that is going on, we are in it together.

You might also enjoy reading my blog article today at Anastasia The Storyteller titled “Coffee House Conversations And A Year Of Leaning In Lessons."

Thursday, December 10, 2015

In An Era of Societal Stress

Does polarization among citizens, such as our politicians serve us up as daily fare, make sense? 

Or might our strength and our hope for “peace on earth” lie elsewhere such as finding opportunities for meaningful dialogue rather than debate to help us cross whatever divides one from another?

Anastasia and Jack explore this topic in tonight’s Possible Society In Motion Radio Show broadcast, "Dialogue Rather Than Debate In An Era of Societal Stress."

In this era of supreme societal stress with concerns such as terrorism, highly charged race and police relations, are U.S. citizens doing enough to combat these threats by merely giving voice to these matters?

Or is there more to be done that can be done? And even make a difference?

Anastasia takes a firm stand on the need for citizens to engage in ongoing dialogue with the intent to learn from others, the developing of skill in the art of dialogue and the ability to grow toward one another across whatever separates.

Tune in tonight to hear Anastasia and Jack discussing 

On the 

With Anastasia and Jack Slattery

Also join us for --- 

Thursday, December 10 at 7:00 p.m.

This Week’s Tentative Agenda 

Your take on “Dialogue Rather Than Debate In An Era of Societal Stress”

Follow these easy steps and you’re in! 
  1. Dial in at: 712.432.0600, access code 640883#;
  2. Say your name and; 
  3. Welcome to Coffee House Conversation by Conference Call with Anastasia and Jack; 
  4. Stay as long as you like until around 8:00 or 8:30 p.m.
  5. Just listen and say nothing or speak up and get into the heat of the discussion.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Citizens and Police In Conversation: A Promising First Step

Anastasia’s Commentary on last Saturday’s “Coffee House Conversation on Humanizing Citizen-Police Relations II”

With special acknowledgements on our podcast to Lieutenant Jason Keckler of the Frederick City Police Force, Jeanette Bartelt, Hillcrest Community Coordinator and Sue deVeer, New Horizons Curriculum Development Chairperson:

My Possible Society In Motion Radio Show co-host, Jack Slattery, out did himself in our broadcast today titled “Citizens and Police In Conversation: A Promising First Step”

With Jack’s astute and thoughtful partnering with me, I think we did an uplifting program. He certainly helped me recount some of the highlights of our wonderfully progressing Coffee House Conversations Project in Frederick, Maryland as it played out last Saturday.

If you would like a few moments of uplifting listening, in line with the spirit of our now approaching holiday season, today’s program can serve to remind you that citizens and police can work together to support one another in reaching the higher planes of cooperation

Listen to this show, now on podcast, to get a taste of this and what is to come from us in the months ahead through our Coffee House Conversations Project.

I think a listen will help lift you out of any discouragement you might feel with citizen police relations as the media paints them across the country though it was just a “promising first step.”

Perhaps you will even be uplifted enough with what you hear to make sure to join us next Saturday for –

Coffee House Conversation on Humanizing Citizen-Police Relations “III”
December 5, 2015
3:00 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Hillcrest Elementary School

Details and Reservations Contact: Anastasia 240.409.5347

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Coffee House Conversations On Humanizing Citizen-Police Relations II

Here we are back again!

Another important community development event 
sponsored by the New Horizons Support Network, Inc.

Coffee House Conversations On Humanizing Citizen-Police Relations II

partnering with the Frederick City Police

Details below

Friday, November 6, 2015

Empowerment Series, Coffee House Conversations

Press Release

Coffee House Conversations Project Announces Plans For Hillcrest Empowerment Series

As the New Horizons Support Network, Inc. sponsored Coffee House Conversations mission heads into its second season, 2015 – 2016, the planning team for the project announced a forthcoming series, devoted to citizen-police relations in the Hillcrest neighborhood community.

The series will begin on Saturday, November 21 with a New Horizons’ format discussion geared toward establishing ground rules for dialogue on the presently charged topic of citizen-police relations. The second event of the series, scheduled for Saturday, December 5, will spotlight police officers’ personal stories, followed by a third conversation program focusing on citizen stories on the topic.

Bringing a “can do” message to the fore once again through guided community dialogue, New Horizons Support Network Executive Director Anastasia Rosen-Jones and the Coffee House Conversations Volunteer Team are now ramping up their efforts to empower citizens and police to work more closely together with the goal being enhanced teamwork. According to Rosen-Jones, a quote of Sir Robert Peel, father of modern day community policing, pointedly underscores the theme of the series, “….the police are the public and the public are the police…” 

These Coffee House Conversations On Humanizing Citizen-Police Relations will be introduced and moderated by Rosen-Jones and feature opening comments by newly appointed Frederick City Police Chief, Edward Hargis. The program will then move forward into an open group discussion to establish norms or ground rules for effective citizen-police dialogue that will serve as a foundation for the series. Input from the group at-large, as well as the participating police officers is expected to spark a lively discussion and help to ensure the objective.

This first in the series of four Coffee House Conversations On Humanizing Citizen-Police Relations will be held at Hillcrest Elementary School, 1285 Hillcrest Drive, Saturday, November 21 from 3 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 

New Horizons Support Network, Inc. is a non-profit organization that offers programs designed to teach community development and violence-prevention skills and strategies through the conversations model of its “Small Zones of Peace” Project initiative. Now in the process of contributing these organizational strengths to the development of a Frederick County civic conversations coalition, New Horizons, under Ms. Rosen-Jones guidance, is currently building a coalition with a weekly volunteers’ meeting at Dublin Roasters

Information about the overall project and the coalition can be found at: Ms. Rosen-Jones can be reached at: 240.409.5347 or

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Coffee House Conversations Project Announces Plans For Empowerment Series

If you are concerned about current (and, maybe, past) relationships between citizens and police officers – and -- you live in Frederick County, Maryland, this series of Coffee House Conversations may be just the event for you. 

(If you do not live in Frederick County – and – want to join us, you are welcome to attend. Contact me, Anastasia, at: Cell: 240.409.5347 or Email: for details and to reserve your place.)

The series begins with Coffee House Conversation #1 of 4, "How To Talk About Citizen-Police Relationships"  -- November 21, 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. (See below for the full list of sessions planned for the series.)

Humanizing our Citizen --
Police Relationships II
Designed especially for the Hillcrest community neighborhood, Frederick, Maryland

(Humanizing our Citizen -- Police Relationships I event was held on Saturday, October 17 at Dublin Roasters, Frederick, Maryland)

The November 21st will be a special event designed to develop ground rules for dialogue between citizens and police officers.

About the series: The series will focus attention on the neighborhood problems of the Hillcrest community of Frederick, Maryland with citizen-police relationships as its pivotal discussion topic.

The complete series will include the following (and may be extended)
  • How To Talk About Citizen-Police Relationships (and other hot button civic concerns) November 21, 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
  •  Police Officers Share Personal Stories – Saturday, December 5 , 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
  • Citizens Sharing Stories of Their Relations With Police – TBA, 2016
  • Where Do We Go From Here To Humanize Our Citizen-Police Relationships? – TBA, 2016
Some of the key principles behind our project include –

Police Philosophy
"To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to (the principle) that the police are the public and that the public are the police…"
Sir Robert Peel, noted father of modern day community policing

New Horizons Philosophy

“An enemy is someone whose story you have not heard” 
Unknown origin

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Community-Building: Pathway To The Bettering Of Society

 with Anastasia and Jack

Thursday, October 29, 2015, 6:30 p.m.

In tonight's program Jack assists Anastasia in introducing the key element of her life's work; community-building. The principles of the Groder-Rosen Addiction Development Theory (GRAD) are spotlighted and woven together to create a lively and inspiring discussion.

In Anastasia's words, as noted in the GRAD theory; "Most importantly and, possibly, most effective in healing and transforming the challenges of today's world for the individual, affecting the individual, personally, the family, groups and organizations as well as our
entire society and politics, can be the profound impact on these of an "exceptional community" life."

Listen in as Anastasia and Jack open up their topic by simply dialing in at: 347.237.5351 from your phone or on your computer at: Community-Building: Pathway To The Bettering Of Society"

Then join us, after the broadcast portion for our open-ended, leisurely and informal Coffee House Conversation by Conference Call. Dial in 712.432.0600, access code 640883. 7:00 p.m. until ???

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

How Did It Go: Humanizing Our Citizen-Police Relations?

This article written in appreciation of the leadership and tireless devotion to community outreach of Frederick (Maryland) City Police Chief, Edward Hargis.

Almost flawless! Synergy was the most probable reason; the community dance we did was beautiful. 

To truly appreciate the music of it, one has to be observant as if from a helicopter or hot air balloon view. A distant perspective allows us to best see the richness and the textures interweaving. And the significance of our turning aside from fear and judgments to come just a little bit closer to citizens and police, sharing our humanity, building a team.
“…the police are the public and 
the public are the police…”
Be sure to read my manuscript in progress, “The Middle East Crisis In My Backyard,” for an introduction to what I mean by “synergy” and how it plays out in leaders, followers and did throughout our event. Then imagine how it might have looked in real time. 

Imagine the fingers of one hand all working together as the system they are intended to be. The quote of Sir Robert Peel, shown under the Police hat above, suggests this ideal for citizens and police, working together as a team.

The thumb might be identified as the leader. Just as the new Frederick City Police Chief, Ed Hargis, might have been, identifiably, the official leader at our Coffee House Conversation. Yet, as true leadership actually functions, “exceptional leaders” easily make room for the strengths and contributions of others.

What I experienced at our Saturday event was that our official leader, designated by our local Mayor and Alderman), showed not the slightest discomfort with the leadership that I, Anastasia, also took on as New Horizons’ Executive Director, additionally making respectful room for and including Police Officer Lieutenant Jason Keckler.

Admittedly we had an unusually small group to work with this time which might have made our task a bit easier, certainly less complicated. (Next time we will alter this small snag). 

Nonetheless, at only one point did a brief snag start to arise. Soon remedied by the meeting group, each and everyone doing their part.

That circumstance was brought about by an obvious antagonism on the part of one attendee. However, when I called a halt to the exchange and brought people back to referencing the “Dialogue versus Debate” contrast, the attendee immediately shifted herself to a less blaming, more affirming manner of bringing up her citizen-police concern and we were all right back on track.

She had started out with a bit of ill will. But when alerted by my intervention, she immediately shifted her stance to one that demonstrated being on the same team. Wow! 

Almost flawless!  We can all do this, if we are mindful.

Thus we wrapped up our Coffee House Conversation event in an atmosphere of mutual respect, a fulfilled intention of citizens and police leaning in to one another, resulting in, at least, a modicum of more trust and relationship building between citizens and police. 

Small steps became a starting place.

Most impressive for me was that some areas of distrust and fear were reversed, if not entirely, at least beginning was made.

As for me, personally, I came away proud and happy.  

Next time, Saturday, November 21, we will do even better.

I wish you could have been there. Maybe next time you will be.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"Humanizing Our Citizen Police Relations I," The Coffee House Conversation Is Here!

Coffee House Conversations Are Back With Our Fall Season of Events!

Coffee House Conversations On "Humanizing Our Citizen Police Relationships I" is our new beginning.

This event features a very special introduction to the community of Frederick City’s new Chief of Police, Edward Hargis.

Be sure to attend!  
                  You won’t want to miss it!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A New Feature Has Been Added To....

Our developing Coffee House Conversations Project; Monday Morning Meetings of the Coffee House Conversations Project is our special place to plan and grow this emerging community development effort.

Monday Morning Meetings of the Coffee House Conversations Project

Sponsored by New Horizons Support Network, Inc.

Mondays At Dublin Roasters Coffee
1780 N. Market Street
Noon to 2:00 p.m.

The road to individual and collective transformation has many elements, “the most important one is having a community.” (Murat Yagan, New Horizons’ Beloved Community Development mentor,Murat Yagan (1915 – 2013).

The Coffee House Conversations Planning Project is becoming a growing community within our greater civic locale, dedicating itself to building a more “exceptional community” in Frederick County through dialogue and pro-active social and political engagement.

Help us grow!

We have a dream that we will become a voice for the intent of affecting social and political change in Frederick.

Be a part of The Coffee House Conversations Planning Project Team.

There is room and work for everyone.

No effort is too small or insignificant to make a difference in this endeavor.

We need YOU! We need everyone!

For details and registration, contact:
Anastasia 240.409.5347

New Horizons is a 501 C 3 non-profit educational organization
Your cash contributions are also welcomed!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Coffee House Conversations Are Back

Announcing Our Fall Season of Events!

Saturday, October 17 – Humanizing Our Citizen-Police Relations I;

Saturday, November 21 --  Humanizing Our Citizen-Police Relations II;

Saturday, December 5, 2015 -- Humanizing Our Citizen-Police Relations III – Includes potluck dinner;

We are making exciting progress that we will want to share with you! 
Upside down is turning right side up!

More details and back stories on the way!  

Sunday, October 4, 2015

September: An Upside Down Month

I loved August and hated to see it leave, or maybe it was just that it was so clearly signaling the end of summer. I don’t know for sure. Yet August had a good deal of turbulence to it, at least it for me. 

Then came September, moving into October with life-threatening rain storms which, fortunately, did not affect us other than filling the buckets and buckets of rain barrels I set outside to catch the falling rain to make up for the fact that, as of now, we have no running water. Thanks to what seems to be a faulty well pump. Damn!
Ever have an
upside down month?

Well, whatever the source I loved August and grieved its passing -- and, no wonder. September was all upside down for me. It could have been the fallout from the commotions of August. I can’t quite yet get a perspective on it all. But something must have been strange for me to forget to tell people that a Coffee House Conversations event had been rescheduled for a whole month later. And, to write less than my pledged quota of articles for Anastasia The Storyteller/

Well, no mind. This past weekend with drenching and threatening weather conditions outside I have trying to regain some order in my life, running water or not.  And, I do think I am making some small headway. With that in mind I thought I just stop by here and say hello as a way of stabilizing the normal flow of things out here from me to you.

That’s all for now, except stay tuned in here for details of our “rescheduled” Coffee House Conversation on Humanizing Citizen-Police Relations. And, if you get a chance, listen to the podcast of our last Possible Society In Motion Radio Show. It was a fine program with our guest, Acting Frederick City Police Captain Jason Keckler, where we took up a preliminary discussion on that theme, titled, Citizen-Police Relations and The Redefining of Power.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Citizen-Police Relations and The Redefining of Power

Coffee House Conversations By Conference Call 
Thursday, October 1 at 7:00 p.m.

This Week’s Tentative Agenda 
  • Thursday’s forum is likely to continue on with the radio show topic, Citizen-Police Relations and The Redefining of Power. 
  • Acting Frederick City Police Captain, Jason Keckler will be the evening's radio show guest, He will join us, also, for our Coffee House Conversation by Conference Call Forum.
Follow these easy steps and you’re in! 
  1. Dial in at: 712.432.0600, access code 640883#;
  2. Say your name and;
  3. Welcome to Coffee House Conversation by Conference Call with Anastasia and Jack;
  4. Stay as long as you like until around 8:00 or 8:30 p.m.
  5. Just listen and say nothing or speak up and get into the heat of the discussion.
Coffee House Conversations By Conference Call Forums are preceded by …

With Anastasia and Jack Slattery

You can listen to the show, if you like by dialing 347.237.5351 at 6:30 p.m. or not, totally optional.

This week’s topic: 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Oops and Awe!

Folks, I did the darn-dest thing. I hope you’re gonna forgive me for it.

“I” cancelled our last scheduled Coffee House Conversation on “Humanizing Our Citizen-Police Relations” --  and – totally forgot --- I do mean FORGOT – to tell you!

(“I cancelled” but not exactly unilaterally as I did get a group consensus before we made it official. Then I did have the presence of mind to, at least, get the word out of the cancelling and subsequent rescheduling to Saturday, October 17 to our email list.  Hope this did not inconvenience any of you who are not on it.  Oops!)

One thing and another had happened since our last Kids and Kops In Conversation program. Mainly a new Frederick City Police Chief was hired, not unexpectedly getting our usually beautiful communication flow with the City Police a bit off kilter.  As a result, as our event date grew closer and closer I could see that our “synergy” had been somewhat diminished by this change.

This meant – in my “exceptional community” building mind – that we were not going to have the magical quality that makes a successful Coffee House Conversation, New Horizons-style.

Synergy in a group, especially a working team, makes all the difference. When synergy is missing that, too, makes a huge distinction, on the down side. 

So, I got the votes needed for us to reschedule to Saturday, October 17!!   We hope you can be with us then, if geography doesn’t make us undesirable.

I made a smart decision to ask for that cancellation and subsequent reschedule. And, guess what that change is already bringing us – AWE; the lift that comes when people work together, with hearts and minds connected, on their way to building a better something for all.

It just works out that way!

We are on our way, now, better and better connected than ever before, co-creating with one another in our Coffee House Conversations Volunteer Planning Meetings, heading toward just the kind of potentially AWESOME event New Horizons has long been striving to develop in our local Frederick County, Maryland community.

We are, at last, growing ever so much more beautiful as we refine our methods that before long, you, too, in your local community, may be wanting us to help your community also come together in our special “exceptional community” model way

That is, if you haven’t already figured out how to do it on your own without us.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Next Generation: Coffee House Conversations

Some people, even police officers, are visionaries with hearts and minds that give substance to dreams.  Over the past eight or nine months since New Horizons began offering our Coffee House Conversations On Race Relations series, last January, I have had the good fortune to meet a few of these officers. Two in particular of the local Frederick City Police became my friends, Captain Jason Keckler and Corporal Rebecca Carrado.
Captain Jason Keckler,
police officer with a vision.

Even back in early July when I wrote an article for my Anastasia The Storyteller blog site titled, “The Challenge of Humanizing Our Community-Police Relationships,” I was certain I had, without ever intending, developed genuine friendships with these officers. 

Topping off that surprising and, thus, unexpected occurrence was an earlier police officer friendship Sue and I had established, about ten years back, with former Frederick City Police Chief, Kim Dine, now Chief of the Capitol Police in Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital.

And, then there has been one more delightful and inspiring new friend, also a former police officer, Karl Bickel, a Frederick County candidate for last year’s Sherriff race, and a former college professor of criminal justice, now retired, enjoying his gardening and volunteer projects upon the re-election of the incumbent, Sheriff Charles Jenkins.

There couldn’t be a more important, nor potentially challenging community issue these days than citizen-police relationships. I now realize, while I did not before, that citizen-police trust and cooperation is a key to building safe communities.

This group of officers has, however,  opened my eyes to this reality, along with a whole new range of other important possibilities where citizen involvement and community policing are concerned. And they have, thus,  helped me see formerly unimagined potentialities for citizens and police, working together to better our communities – and – expand opportunities that ensure the growth and safety of our communities.

One week from today, Saturday, September 19, a vision, or at least I surmise it to be that, that Jason handed off to me – and – my colleague in everything, Sue deVeer, is about to manifest with a scope that only time and traveling together could possibly  bring to fruition; Coffee House Conversations On Humanizing Citizen-Police Relations; a program specially designed to develop ground rules that will help to ensure productive, problem-solving dialogue between citizens and police officers in Frederick .

(I don’t know that these or any other officers would ever show up at my house for dinner. But imagine this, I am actually wanting to invite them. And, I am now even on a first name basis with police officers! I never, heretofore, even considered such an anomaly to be a part of my life! Who could have thought such a thing?)

I don’t know for sure what exactly the vision was that Jason held, back there in late January, at the end of our very first Coffee House Conversation. But I am certain he had already seen that New Horizons was offering something that couldn’t but help our City Police with their community outreach objectives. 

So with a special kind of visionary capability on his part and Rebecca’s, New Horizons will, next Saturday, September 19, take the next steps forward to expand the potential of community cooperation through dialogue in Frederick, Maryland where lots of people, including Sue and myself, want to build a better than ordinary community in a municipality that truly aspires to be exceptional.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Conference Call Conversation: Tonight at 7:00 p.m.

Coffee House Conversations By Conference Call 
Thursday, September 1o at 7:00 p.m.

This Week’s Tentative Agenda 
Follow these easy steps and you’re in! 
  1. Dial in at: 712.432.0600, access code 640883#;
  2. Say your name and;
  3. Welcome to Coffee House Conversation by Conference Call with Anastasia and Jack;
  4. Stay as long as you like until around 8:00 or 8:30 p.m.
  5. Just listen and say nothing or speak up and get into the heat of the discussion.
Coffee House Conversations By Conference Call Forums are preceded by …

With Anastasia and Jack Slattery

You can listen to the show, if you like by dialing 347.237.5351 at 6:30 p.m. or not, totally optional.

This week’s topic: The Nature of Dialogue

Tonight’s Possible Society In Motion Radio Show

Topic: The Nature of Dialogue

Date and time: September 10. 2015, 6:30 p.m.

This evening’s show signals an expansion and a deepening of principles Anastasia and Jack have been discussing on the essentials of overcoming polarization, socially and politically, since the very beginnings of their program. 

Tonight Anastasia and Jack invite listeners to consider how citizens of this country can best take advantage of our Constitutionally-given freedom of speech to enhance their own personal lives and that of others by taking note of the essential nature of “genuine dialogue.”

Drawing on the theories of noted physicist, David Bohm, who was known also for his expository work on dialogue, Anastasia and Jack use this program to introduce perspectives that Bohm and others have contributed to a way of exchanging and interacting with others that can lead to new and greater understandings and help solve the communication crises that face society. 
On Dialogue
by David Bohm

This quote of Bohm’s ...
"If people were to think together in a coherent way, it would have tremendous power." one of the many principles he held as a rationale for this manner of conversing. 

With this perspective, as a working base, Anastasia and Jack draw on these ideals as inherent in their intent for the goals of the Possible Society In Motion Radio Show and their Coffee House Conversation By Conference Call Forum that follows the on-air broadcast.

Please join us!

Tonight’s Possible Society In Motion Radio Show

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

This Week’s Agenda: Coffee House By Conference Call

We are learning forum by forum “How to Talk About Politics, Race, Citizen-Police Relations, Religion” and whatever else shows up – in meaningful dialogue that promises to elevate both your consciousness and your humanity.

Join us this week from the comfort of your living room.

Thursday, September 1o at 7:00 p.m.
Details here.
This Week’s Tentative Agenda 
  • Iran nuclear deal; Jewish and non-Jewish perspectives;
  • Election Campaign, 2016 – Explore personal principles behind your favored candidate leanings;
  • Citizen-Police Relations, New Horizons’ Coffee House Conversations Projects in motion.
We are challenged to make our forums into meaningful dialogues, not heated debates.  Are you up for this "experiment" in civility? Join us if you are!

Coffee House Conversations By Conference Call Forums are preceded by …

With Anastasia and Jack Slattery

This weeks topic: The Nature Of Dialogue

*You can listen to the show, if you like by dialing 347.237.5351 at 6:30 p.m. or not, totally optional.