You may have marched while we took a quieter route.

Either way, I am betting most of us can say the experience was awesome!
The destination was essentially the same – AWE -- or how we can unite to help build a better world for us all to share in peace and harmony.
From our distance we were on board with you!
Now, how about you getting on board next round with us?
Making Violence Obsolete Training Day
featuring the Bus Ride Story Adventure
Saturday February 25, 2017
2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
(Camaraderie and dinner follow, potluck or at a nearby restaurant)
Frederick Friends Meeting House
Frederick, Maryland
Please join us! We want to travel with you!
This training event open to pre-qualified guests.
Find out how you can be one of these!
(C0ntact Anastasia to attend. Details below.)
Want to find out how to build a peace that can last?
Here are a few thoughts to consider?
- How can a bus ride become a small "zone of peace"?
- How you can arrange for New Horizons to bring its Bus Ride Story Adventure to your group of neighbors, friends and family.
We, Anastasia and Sue, your Bus Ride Story Adventure tour guides, want to share what we know with you
Join us as an officially approved
Making Violence Obsolete Experiment participant.
Or invite us to guide your group, club or organization on this awesome adventure, the Bus Ride Story Adventure. Let us create the experience in your personal venue.
Training format available to the general public by special arrangement.
Coming in late 2017:
The (for real) Bus Ride Story Adventure
Follow our blogs for details as they develop over the coming year.
Contact: Anastasia Rosen-Jones
Executive Director
New Horizons Support Network, Inc.
Cell: 240.409.5347, Email:
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