Monday, November 30, 2020

How Did We Get Here, Part I? …

Updated: August 22, 2021 

Also See:

There we were, my NH/ZOP Board Members and myself, trying our best to put words to the experiences we were sharing on a journey we had not intended to take and for which we had no map and an unclear destination beyond simply surviving the threat and almost ceaseless crises covid-19 had brought into our lives. 

We knew we had to get to a safer shore. Years of traveling together as a board, our newest member, Sue, with us now going on twenty years, had developed in us an unfailing trust in one another, in our shared values and in the methodology we, at times, call our "exceptional community model. 
Answer, Short Form: 
With a lot of help from our friends.

We wanted people to listen in to us on what is now, on 8.22.21, an almost forgotten online radio show, to be reassured by our words and experiences. 

We had found sustenance and strength through our ways. We hoped others would be inspired and maybe want to join us. 

I think we did not succeed very well in this broadcast. We knew then and again now that we barely knew how to grasp it all -- life in the era of covid-19. 

Yet we did know how to hang together and be stronger and wiser for it. 

Now, here we are, coming up on a year since the original post of this article, that long ago broadcast, jumbled up as we had been back then and still are today though now definitely more schooled in the crisis management of our lives. 

On that not very successful radio show, Anastasia, Sue, Terry and Lisa agreed we would share how we are managing our pandemic lives, on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, amid myriad personal crises and up against the backdrop of covid-19. 

(Note: Following a battle with cervical cancer, Lisa passed away in mid-March.

It seemed simple enough when I offered them my draft radio show outline. Everyone got on board immediately, the four of us agreeing we were pleased with the plan, starting off approximately like this… 

This is Anastasia Rosen-Jones on Anastasia The Storyteller on Blog Talk Radio, today with three of my esteemed board members, Sue deVeer, Lisa Boyer and Terry.

We are thankful to be here, alive, healthy and relatively stable -- and very grateful for what we, as a board, have managed to create in the form of a kind of lemonade made out of the lemons of the past months, since mid-March when quarantining became the rule of the land. 

Since that time, we have – 

Organized a Nationwide Pandemic Survivors Support Group that Sue now leads, regularly on Mondays and Wednesdays. Terry co'leads; 

Established a regular, ongoing Manuscript Study Group, meeting on Friday mornings, led by me, as after all, they are my manuscripts; 

We have also created a Forest Bathing Sanctuary to share the wide-open safe spaces we have at our Harpers Ferry Retreat Center; 

And, of course – The adventure of my having a brand-new book in progress, intended to be the first in a series of four parts, the collection to be titled Lost Hope Regained (series working title) with book one to be titled Camelot Disrupted, (also working title) is really exciting. 

The spotlight was to be on the latter, the book publishing project and all it entails, the exciting donation pledge we received last month that gave this effort the boost it needed and now the book writing and publishing adventure itself that is developing out of it. 

Instead, I read out the list of our pridefully celebrated organizational accomplishments, achieved during the course of the pandemic thus far, challenged though each of us has been, like everyone else. 

Sue offered… “How did we get here,” standing back a moment to gather into her mind what seems, day-by-day, more and more remarkable to us: helping one another manage day in and day out pandemic challenges. 

Well we all certainly are amazed at this list of efforts, tailor-designed for the crises we are now enduring! 

But how have we managed it? 

And In the midst of the pandemic? 

Short Answer: With a lot of help from one another.

As board members who have grown, even with some touchy moments, and deepened our friendships through this time of distress, we are walking a long road but not alone. 

Sometimes it seems we are helping one another to be living almost a miracle of transformation through crisis. Don't you want to find out more? We thought you would. So we'll keep at it, trying to share our experiences, our hurdles, day by day, and the victories we have won --- with just the right amount of support and insight helping boost one another through this time.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Wondering Why Anastasia's Book Publishing Contract is soooo big for NH/ZOP?

Here is a three part answer but there is much more behind it.

1. Because what these books contain is almost magical in terms of the wisdomthey contain to help heal our wounded nation; 

2. The NH/ZOP Pandemic Support Group experience is a profound and powerful vehicle for this inoculation, meaning you don't need to search too far for a program with lots of ways into the healing we all need at this critical time; and 

3. Anastasia has pledged to publish her collection with proceeds going to our organization to support its various missions.

Join Board Members, Sue deVeer and Terry, for a lively discussion on these three reasons we are excited about Anastasia's book project and more that will soon be shaping our future and yours, should you be inspired to get on our metaphoric hayride of support and a developing community of people invested in backing one another up as we plod our way through the upheaval our nation is experiencing.

A Sunday Morning Fireside Chat With Anastasia 
and the NH/ZOP Board of Directors 

 Anastasia The Storyteller Radio

Sunday Morning, November 29 10 a.m.  EST

       Guest Call-In:  516.453.9477

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Breaking News! NH/ZOP Executive Director To Sign Book Publishing Contract

After more than six weeks of intense board discussions and a wide-ranging search for best options, since the recent $50,000 pledge to the New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" Publishing Fund was made through an "anonymous, masked donor" last month -- an agreement was reached Thursday with Kevin Anderson & Associates, a New York Times bestselling firm of editors, writers and ghost writers, to provide the talent that will assist our organization's agenda in beginning the journey of --

Getting all of NH/ZOP Executive Director and Founder, Anastasia Rosen-Jones, entire collection of "mss in progress" published someday soon -- asap!

Q: Why is this soooo big for NH/ZOP?

A: Three main reasons: 1. Because what these books contain is almost magical in terms of the medicine they offer to help heal our wounded nation; 2. NH/ZOP is the vehicle for this inoculation; and 3. Anastasia has pledged to publish her collection with proceeds going to our organization to support its various missions.

Of course that will take years as Anastasia began writing for publication in 1988!! when she first was discovered by Random House/Ballantine Book Vice President, Cheryl Woodruff. 

And, as her story goes, lost out on her opportunity to publish the three books she then wrote under the terms of the contract she had with Random House/Ballantine due to her losing her eyesight and remaining blind for eight, long years, "quarantining," during those years, as folks are doing now up in the mountains at the New Horizons Retreat Center.

Quite a story, about to be told, is Anastasia The Storyteller! 

Quite a miracle is Anastasia! 

We all know that a journey of 1000 miles begins with one step.

So here we go, Anastasia and NH/ZOP long time coming!

Congratulations to Anastasia and Ian Corson of Kevin Anderson and Associates, our representative for taking next steps together.

Posted by the Board Members of The New Horizons/Small "Zones Of Peace" Project.

Whoopee! Now be thankful!

Monday, November 2, 2020

Post-Election Storytelling Event

Under construction

Reserve Early!!  

Space will be very limited!

Join Anastasia The Storyteller for a 

Post Election Storytelling 


Hear The Stories Of Others And Share Your Own: 

The Ones You Will Keep With You For A Lifetime on

Election 2020!!

 Saturday, November 7 

Begins 6:00 p.m. till ???

EST is our time zone, please be sure to adjust for your own.

Via conference call. For reservations, contact Anastasia at: 

Look for a "Confirming Your Reservation" update, specially for this event here.

  • With "Election Reaction" calming and healing activities and rituals at our Fire Circle in our Forest Bathing Sanctuary.
  • Having raised the Great Pumpkin, let us all  NOW come together to help elevate the higher consciousness of election-weary voters in the service of overcoming polarization and building -- and -- learning to sustain --
  • Small "Zones Of Peace" everywhere.. 

Friday, October 30, 2020

Want To Join Our Halloween Storytelling Celebration?

 Here's how to join our Halloween Celebration to Raise The Great Pumpkin

1. Read this posting on "Confirming Your Reservation" to find out some of the details on how our event will proceed and how it might or might not fit your needs for a Halloween Eve bash.

2. Figure out for yourself (and your companions, should there be some or any to accompany you to our "Halloween Party) if you think you might enjoy an evening of activities, storytelling and discussion, playing by the rules of our game which are, as I've said before --

Yup! Our rules might seem intense. However, our results are


And, this close to the election, at an event that just might or might not include both Republicans and Democrats in the same space! 

Socially distanced and masked, of course.

3. Then, if you've decided you are up for our Halloween challenge, Contact Anastasia at:, requesting your reservation which will be confirmed with: 

a) Your personal "Confirming Your Reservation" email from Anastasia, followed by b) your being provided with our conference call in numbers,

After that -- we will look forward to seeing/talking to you on Halloween Eve.  Come one! Come all!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Storytelling To Be Featured At Anastasia's Halloween Event

 Come one. Come all!

Help us raise the Great Pumpkin at...

… Anastasia’s Fire Circle Storytelling And Banishing Evil Event

See additional details here

Join Anastasia The Storyteller for a...

Halloween Storytelling And Banishing Evil Evening

Hear The Stories Of Others And Share Your Own

 Halloween Eve, Saturday, October 31   

Begins 6:00 p.m. till ???

EDT is our time zone, please be sure to adjust for your own.

Via conference call. For reservations, contact Anastasia at: 

With healing activities and rituals to help elevate the higher consciousness of voters in our coming election. 

Wikipedia writes …”The Great Pumpkin is an unseen, supernatural figure character who, according to Linus of the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz, rises from the pumpkin patch on Halloween evening and flies around bringing toys to sincere and believing children. 

What can a group of dedicated people create on THIS Halloween Eve, if raising the Great Pumpkin to help us in banishing evil and building small "zones of peace" is what we are after?

Find out more here on how you can participate.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Breaking News: Masked, Anonymous Donor Pledges $50,000 To Small “Zones Of Peace” Publishing Fund

 Additional Details Forthcoming

New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace” (NH/ZOP) Executive Director Anastasia Rosen-Jones' Mss Study Group Series got a huge $$$ boost over this past weekend, making the following paid part-time, work from home positions available immediately.

  • Administrative/Research Assistant
  • Editing/Writing Assistant

Required: Applicants must be internet savvy and have google blogger adeptness.

See below for application contact information.

Saturday, October 10

An unnamed supporter came forth today, pledging $50,000 of matching funds in support of the publishing, at last, of NH/ZOP Executive Director Anastasia Rosen-Jones' “Random House Trilogy.” 

Sparked by word of the magnificence, impact and timeliness of Anastasia’s Mss Study Group Series, a masked and anonymous donor has pledged $50,000 as matching funds to move this project of the NH/ZOP into immediate fast forward.  While fundraising plans take shape, these funds will become immediately available.

Credit for orchestrating the donation goes to Board Member Sue deVeer who will serve as spokesperson for the donor, until “They” choses to be publicly revealed. 

Updated publication date for the first of Anastasia’s collection of writings is expected to be Labor Day, 2022. Look for further details and updates as they are established.

Hear Anastasia and NH/ZOP Board Member Sue discuss this most surprising and welcome windfall on -- 

Anastasia The Storyteller Radio 

Date, time and topic to be announced

To apply for available positions, Contact Anastasia at:

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Update: Behind The Scenes Of The New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" Project

 See updates on two NH/ZOP related posts ..

We, At New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace” Lost Almost All Of Our September Work Time

Mss Study Group Series Emerges 

We hope you enjoy these snippets of what's been happening behind the scenes -- and a preview of what's coming next, especially our new Mss Study Group that YOU, too, can participate in.

Details coming soon!

Monday, August 31, 2020

Pandemic Survivors Support Group and Other Behind The Scenes Happenings

Next Forest Bathing Sanctuary Event Scheduled …

Remember last month, at month’s end, I provided a report to our supporters and followers from behind the scenes?

It was excruciatingly difficult for me to write even that much last month. Everything seems so hard these days.

Still I wanted to stay in contact as best I could. 

This month, same struggle. So I thought I’d, at least, provide an updated summary of what’s going on here.

It’s BIG!!! I can tell you that much. And only an act of G-d can halt the progress. So stay tuned into our happenings. 

(8.2.21 And indeed an act of the Divine did intervene. Not long after this post our team, like for many others, was besieged with challenges made so much harder by covid-19.

Although we did not lose anyone close to covid-19, we did lose our Beloved Board Member, Lisa Boyer, to ovarian cancer on March 11 of this year.)

Even if you don't participate, you might still draw some hope and inspiration from knowing how we are surviving the pandemic, doing optimally well, under the circumstances, with our approach, as long as we can stay healthy.

Here’s a taste of what is now in motion..

Update: 8.31.20 – We now have active members, meeting in our various groups, from west to east coast, with a few potential members in the Midwest and the majority in Maryland where we are headquartered.

We are now pening up our very peaceful Forest Bathing Sanctuary for limited, on-site, very small groups. Maximum 4 people. 

Update: 8.31.20 – Next NH/ZOP Forest Bathing Event. Saturday, September 26
See stories and details here, now under construction.
A slice of the NH/ZOP
Forest Bathing Sanctuary

Mss Study Group, Friday mornings. 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 

Update: 8.31.20 – Our Mss Study Group, introduced in February for NH/ZOP Board Members only, 

Remember: Our Mss Study Group is the prerequisite to all upper tier programs, one that earns you a ticket to participate in: 1. Our daily Pandemic Survivors Support Groups;  2. Monthly Truth Or Dare GAMES and; 3. GAME Community Support Groups (Temporarily on pause, as we start up our new tracks, as offered on this list.)

Daily Pandemic Survivors Support Groups (Now meeting, via conference call, on Monday and Wednesday mornings, time varies, usually begins 10 a.m. Led by Sue deVeer.)

Update: 8.31.20 Going great. Challenges and obstacles of months past, during our initial start-up phase (We are still starting up!) have been transformed, using our very own, home-brewed recipe for turning lead into gold, in the process.

Monthly storytelling at the NH/ZOP Fire Circle. Led by Anastasia.

Update: 8.31.20 –Next NH/ZOP Forest Bathing Sanctuary and Storytelling Event. Saturday, September 19

For details and reservations, contact -- Anastasia at:

6:00 p.m. -- 6 hours yet to go until the clock strikes midnight -- and -- I will have, once again, taking another step forward in NOT having a monthly quota of blog articles to post.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

PAID -- Student Internships, Career -- And --Volunteer Opportunities

The Forest Bathing Sanctuary project at New Horizons/Small "Zones Of Peace" Retreat Center needs YOUR help.

Find out how YOU can be a part of an exciting, uplifting and safe work experience, specially designed to support members of our various communities, near and far, through the pandemic crisis. 

Here’s Our Deal:
  • We are now set to offer paid, part-time career opportunities, internships - with the potential for college credit and work from home.
  • Woods and handyman work also available for local volunteers.
Our Forest Bathing Sanctuary, located on our 10 mountainside acres, just above the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers has now begun to develop our forested area, as a safe, social-distancing space of retreat from the stresses of present everyday life.

So -- we are seeking part-time, paid work-from-home employees, student interns and volunteers who --
  • Like people;
  • Are invested in social action, community development – and – forest bathing;
  • Enjoy moving creative, big picture design-mind thinking into action.
The skills we are looking for are --
  • Internet savvy and adeptness at making our message, mission and offerings more widely known;
  • Research assistants to help us obtain copyright permissions from the Library of Congress and other resources where reports of our former impactful efforts are stored.
We need assistance with these tasks (and more)!

Find out how you can help and become a part of this exciting project, now laying down its foundations.

Read our stories on being an exceptional leader and on exceptional communities, at the top rung of personal involvement and development -- exceptional is what we are all about. 

That's what makes a small "zone of peace."

Bonus Opportunity!

Visitors to our Retreat Center and Forest Bathing Sanctuary, get to, personally, know and " hang out" with the Wise Woman of Elk Mountain, a.k.a. Anastasia, Executive Director and Founder of New Horizons/Small “Zones of Peace” Inc., two entwined non-profit 501 C 3 organizations,.

To apply, contact: Anastasia at:

Friday, July 31, 2020

Our Next Steps...

For related background on the following, visit The Crowning -- And The Next Chapter.

For the past fourteen years, the work of the two intertwined non-profit organizations, the New Horizons Support Network, Inc. and Small “Zones Of Peace” Inc.  (NH/ZOP), I founded, the latter co-founded by Sue deVeer and myself, have presented many programs on behalf of groups and organizations in our closest local community, Frederick, Maryland, most frequently on a pro bono basis that I/we happily considered a way of paying forward.

Among the best known of these have been our Coffee House Conversations, our Abkhazian Dinners and our specially designed "Conflict Resolution And Anger Management #101" programs for the UNESCO Center For Peace for high school students from around the world, based out of Frederick. But there will be no more of these, on our local level. Certainly, not anytime in the foreseeable future.  

Question: So where are we going from here?

Our coming attractions, already in motion include two major priority shifts:

1. Present and future programs, of NH/ZOP for the foreseeable future will focus on reaching out beyond the local for national participation, with an intention of establishing regular, ongoing nationwide conference call support groups, and
Anastasia, Compassionate
Warrior Guide

2. Opening up our very peaceful Forest Bathing Sanctuary for limited, on-site, very small groups. Maximum 4 people. (Next NH/ZOP Forest Bathing Event. August 22 11:30 - 2:30)

Other developments, now in progress

Mss Study Group, Friday mornings. 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 

This is the one that earns you your ticket to: 1. Our daily Pandemic Survivors Support Groups and;  2. Monthly Truth Or Dare GAMES and; 3. GAME Community Support Groups (Temporarily on pause, as we start up our new tracks, as offered on this list.)

Daily Pandemic Survivors Support Groups (Now on Monday and Wednesday mornings, time varies, usually begins 10 a.m. Led by Sue deVeer.)

Monthly “Open To The Public Pandemic Survivors Discussion-Support Groups,” On-site spaces limited to 4 people. (Next August 22. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Led by Anastasia.) 

Monthly storytelling at the NH/ZOP Fire Circle. (Next Fire Circle Storytelling, August 22, 6 on. Led by Anastasia.)

Also developing -- Anastasia The Storyteller Online Radio Shows to be increased, with future shows to include NH/ZOP Board Members. Some shows will also particularly want to encourage call-ins and after show conference calls support and dialogue to follow up on program topics.

For details and reservations, contact -- Anastasia at:

Friday, July 17, 2020

Pandemic Survivors Discussion/Support Group Network Makes Its "Official" Debut

Look for details on our next "Open To The Public" Pandemic Discussion/Support Group, now scheduled for Saturday, August 22 -- 3 to 5 p.m. by conference call --  and -- very limited (4) on- site guests. Reserve early. We will let you know how  soon.

You will also want to know about our new NH/ZOP Forest Bathing Sanctuary, developing right alongside our "Open" Pandemic Support Group Meetings -- to provide our housebound, lock-down land, lots of land places to roam -- by arrangement.

Transformation is in the air at ...
New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace

Hear about the adventure we, the Board Members Of NH/ZOP are having traveling to awe, on podcast ..

In spite of the inordinate crisis of the pandemic. In spite of the hardships, the tragedy and distress, the two organizations I head (NH/ZOP), founding one -- New Horizons, with its
roots in the early 1970s, and one, the Small "Zones Of Peace" Project, in 2006, co-created with board member, Sue deVeer -- are celebrating, almost as if we were having a new baby birthed into our family.

How very wonderful to be able to bring new life in, with joy, and find opportunity to celebrate during such a difficult time!

Hear the NH/ZOP Board Members, on podcast, as we share the adventure to awe we've been on, together, throughout the pandemic lock-down. We invite you to join us.

Request details and information on how you can participate in what's happening next in this exciting project, contact Anastasia at:

Thursday, May 14, 2020

We Are Getting Ready For You To Join Us On Our Pandemic Adventure To Awe

Under construction

Are you ready for us?

Here’s what’s happening next and a bit about how we got here –

Part I: Reviewing How We Were, Before The Pandemic Led Us Into Quarantine

The New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace” Project Board Of Directors started off, in early February, before there was a national pandemic crisis, with a purpose of making sure my (Anastasia) professional legacy would be passed on, by beginning an in-depth, board members only, Manuscript Study Group.

Our agenda would be to strengthen our personal and organizational foundations which go back to the mid-seventies, by systematically digging in to the whole body of my written works, ten sections in all as it stands now, especially that which we have titled my Random House Trilogy, based on my work with Marty Groder, M.D., my former psychiatrist mentor and original publishing co-author.


What a gift my board set out to give me in this way – and –seemingly I am giving them in return too, as together we prepare for me to ease the pressures of my work responsibilities and begin to add more leisure to my life.

Total win-win!

Just like a trip to the peak of the Mountain Of Awe should be.


Climbing The Mountain Of Awe!

You ask --
“But what do you mean by awe? And, why and how now in the midst of the pandemic?
We say –
“Well “awe is the destination adventure we are pursuing, in spite of the threat, pain and tragedy surrounding us.  
It is an attainment that is important now, more than ever! And, from here forth we are intent on telling/showing you why and how from every angle and in every manner that we can. 
For example look for online radio broadcasts and classes, Coming soon!
 We are getting ready for you, to join us now as our new infrastructure develops and unfolds into public access.

Be sure, from here forth, to keep checking in on all three New Horizons/Small “Zones of Peace” blog sites for which I write.
In total the three will give you clues, if not hard, scientifically-backed details about this treasure hunt of ours that we are now inviting you to join us.

Facts and science are coming along too from where we stand. So be sure to ask all the questions and get all the answers you need in order to find us credible and profoundly empowering and we do not want you to have doubts about us, if you are to travel with us.

Are you ready for us?

For details on our developing projects and programs and reservations, contact me, Anastasia at:

Stay safe. Stay well. 

Prayers and wishes to all of you, especially our most loyal readers.  We know you are out there. We are struggling along with you and we wish you to know we are intent on contributing our best efforts, body, mind and spirit, to our collective well being.

From Anastasia and the New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" Board of Directors

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Up Against The Challenges, We Are On Our Road To Awe

On our self-defined path to awe in this time of mortal challenge, my board members and I’ve skirted sinkholes that might have destroyed us, as a working entity, tripped over potholes, metaphorically twisting our ankles, and, so far, have landed right side up because 

… we pledged at the onset of the lock-down to hang together and support one another through the ordeal. 

Sure we were going to be challenged, once we began to understand what it meant to be threatened by this pandemic, but heading toward awe seemed to be our best bet, if making lemonade out of the barrel of lemons this virus pandemic has brought into our lives is our intent. 

And, surely, we could manage that lofty destination, better together than each on our own.

Even if together means back and forth only by phone and text, as we aren't yet comfortable with video and, of course actual, live contact is NOT an option.

We knew, of course, that if we could manage this well, the lifting of ourselves and one another, on behalf of our own selves and within our small “elite” Truth Or Dare GAME Community, our next steps would be to easily offer ourselves as guides in service to other virus survivors, destination: AWE, even in this time of crisis. 

Not only would we offer to guide the kinds of community building we do best, a much needed craft for these hard times, but, through support and teaching – and – also being role models, though only a mere few chapters ahead of many, dealing with things with which we have no previous experience, coronavirus and quarantining for starters, to help save ourselves and others from unthinkable tragedy, should it strike us, personally.

If only, if only we could make it through, infection-free, intact overall health-wise, emotionally and spiritually.

But then came the other, the stuff people bring into difficult times, making them even more difficult –


Seen any STUFF around you these days?

You do? So you know what I mean. 

Goodness gracious the STUFF we are dealing with these days is hard!

At New Horizons/ZOP, however, we are moving through our stuff, with such unity and grace, it is truly wonderful, sometimes even seeming like a miracle. 

I'm sure you will want to hear how we are accomplishing this "awesomeness" which we will gladly share when the time is right. So I'll do my best to get back here with more storytelling of NH/ZOP adventures through ....whatever lies ahead.

And, in due time, once we have managed to navigate our small group of board members through our stuff in reaching for awe, we are going to be able to invite you, too, in for the climb with us. 

Hope y’all, our readers, are doing okay, out there.

My Board and myself send you our very best wishes and prayers that you stay safe and well.

More later. 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Almost Daily Pandemic Support Groups Are Great, But They Ain’t Always Easy!

This, the pandemic, the quarantine, coping with it all, is hard! 

This other, New Horizons/Small “Zones of Peace’ (NH/ZOP) GAME Support Group, in the midst of the hard, is good.

We know we are in a period, like no other, and that hanging together -- those of us that presently make up the “elite” Truth Or Dare GAME community, the board members of our organization -- will be able, provided we stay healthy, to help bring one another through this horrific crisis – and even beyond into transformation, the pandemic crisis also being the fertile soil for our personal and collective growth.

Through the infrastructures, we have built into our organization, over many years, we know we have the wherewithal to do this – and – are pledged to do it, even when it’s challenging and hard.

How could it be otherwise than difficult in this time of the coronavirus?

So here we are, nearing one month into our almost daily GAME Support Group, created first to care for ourselves, during this time of the coronavirus pandemic.  Next, as service, to pass on our extraordinary collection of powerful strategies on surviving well and how to apply them in the “….U.S.A., Circa 2016 Fwd,” individually and collectively.

However, we are not intent on supporting one another in only surviving. We hope and pray we will come through this pandemic ordeal healthy, our lives intact.

So we are after the creating of a space that helps each and every one of us go up a notch or two, beyond mere survival, in the evolving of our humanity through this pandemic event, a time and place that can help to empower us to thrive, to transform – to even reach awe.

As a program model we’ve always been on a trajectory that elevates, a transforming path that the human mind is uniquely equipped to pursue, if there was ever one!

A visit to our Exploring Your Dark Side: The Adventure Of A Lifetime site will certainly attest to that aspiration. *Also, check out our earlier offerings on related topics and issues such as the following, for a hint of the vision we hold and do our best to carry forth:
  • ** Most of these initiatives have been temporarily sidelined, beginning a pattern, in 2016 when the presidential campaign left little room for community bridge-building, our main agenda, due to the polarized climate of our present society and politics. 

  • We look forward to revitalizing these programs and projects, if and when the time is appropriate. which we pray will be soon.
What a mess!

While almost everything outside and around us is tense, strange and threatening, we’ve pledged ourselves to creating, in the special time we share, set aside almost daily now for our support group, a comforting port of peace. 

Most of the time it is that. 

Yet, we have surfaced a few internal tensions during this time of difficulty, as well, in this support group/community of ours that is an expansion of our Truth Or Dare GAME project.

After all, some of us have been together for close to thirty years. 

How not to surface occasional, unresolved, old stuff between and among loved ones, at a time like this, with daily pressures so closely tied to mortality, pressing in on us, often with potential deadly consequences? 

How not to lose it on occasion at times like this?

That's quite a question!

Still, having tensions and conflict among ourselves has been HARD, rare that it is!

However, we move through them, relatively quickly and smoothly, give or take, almost with the grace of Olympic skating partners. 

After all we have been practicing our beautiful processes, many originating in our GAME, personally and, collectively, as an “exceptional community,” building together for a long, long time.

Clearly, more and more each day, it is apparent that our GAME Support Group is becoming a sustaining base for each of us during this troubled time. 

From this source we draw strength, increase the clarity of our thinking, find release from the daily pressures of the coronavirus quarantining – and – come up with added resources to share for coping with this devastatingly historic time, intent on passing on what we know.

Sharing our stresses, concerns and fears with one another, along with the things we are able to achieve on lock-down, buried wounds, past and present, reach out to the sunlight that is the warmth of one another’s presence through each one’s voice (I/we are not yet comfortable with skype and zoom yet), coming through from places not so near, but close in spirit, a source from which we draw strength and comfort, as well as how to tips on things like “And, what are YOU doing about groceries – and prescriptions? And exercise? 

As George Conway, renegade husband of Kellyanne Conway, aid to Donald Trump, was quoted as stating in the Washington Post, 
 “We are in a transcendent and transformative period in American history.’
The New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace” Project is in it, transcending and transforming, full speed ahead!

Truly, we are, indeed, on a best, possible path in a time of greatest distress. We hope you will be wanting to join us in this journey of a lifetime.

For details and information on how to join with us, in our GAME Support Group (or other active programs), when it opens to the public, possibly within the month ahead, please feel free to contact me, Anastasia at:

And, if private guidance time is your need, away from the madding crowd, reserve some personal, quality consulting time with me through our ebay store.  

All fees donated to the New Horizons/Small "Zones of Peace" projects and programs, including the support of our GAME Support Group.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Through Our New Pandemic Support Network, Our Board Members/Elite Truth Or Dare GAME Members Are Now Refocusing Priorities: First For Ourselves, Next For Those We Can Support And Guide

Who would’ve, could’ve imagined that -- the revitalizing I initiated of the “old” New Horizons Discount Derby, updated into the new Truth Or Dare GAME, as a perk for my board members – and – a major support for me, as my horrendous “MeToo” ethics complaint regarding my former psychiatrist mentor, Marty Groder, was winding down – would turn out to be the very basis for how and what New Horizons/Small “Zones of Peace” can now provide to help us, the board, get through this coronavirus pandemic, “G-d willing and the creek don’t rise,” as well as strengthen and empower us to help others too. 

I am hard-pressed to articulate – even to them, my board members, to myself and to  readers what is transpiring with this new initiative of ours – the forthcoming New Horizons/Small “Zones Of Peace GAME Support Network in terms of the Divine orderliness I see unfolding here, in this time of greatest nationwide crisis and what we are growing, each and every day our support group meets, carrying itself over to the times in between.

But something big is brewing! 

Maybe that something BIG is what is going to get some of us through this pandemic alive, much like my Mom (stepmother) survived the Holocaust, in a Chinese refugee camp, along with other fleeing German Jews.

Maybe that’s how it goes “When two or more are gathered…” We become something bigger than ourselves, so proportionally big that the ripples outward make a difference.

Sue says that what accounts for the magic, the seeds of which were planted in the Fall, 2018 as the ordeal of my ethics complaint with the International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA), regarding Marty Groder was culminating – is, in part, the result of our slowing down, with ourselves -- and – with one another, collectively exchanging the urgency of our normal daily lives for the human generosity our GAME Support Group affords, so that we offer one another, through our giving time and attention to one another and whatever is important to each in this time of crises, beautiful gifts, simply from our being – and being together.

I think this is one part of the “so big I can’t wrap my mind around it.”

But there is more.