This is the most poignant, heartwarming show Jack and I have done yet. Listen to it yourself and discover some essentials of “Exceptional Leadership” along with a story that is sure to evoke a smile, a tear or two or simply that very human characteristic -- compassion.
Now on podcast!
Next take advantage of our new Possible Society In Motion Radio Show Study Guide to explore your own experiences and feelings in the face of “Exceptional Leadership/Role Models." And, if you have had none of this and long for that space in you to be filled, ask Anastasia to give you some of from her abundance. Contact Anastasia at:

Finally, do you have stories of “Exceptional Leaders” that have strongly influenced you and your life? If so, drop us a line or two and, also, consider bringing your stories to us live on the air to share your good fortune and the gifts it has brought you with our listeners.
It is high time that unheard voices speak up now about the benefits of fine leadership to help us all keep in mind who and what we want to govern our country from the White House!
Alongside of what we do not – and – why -- the difference it makes!
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