Monday, November 28, 2016

Making Violence Obsolete #101 To Be Offered

Begins Saturday, December 3 
2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Frederick Friends Meeting House
Frederick, Maryland

This week’s workshop session open only to 
The Wise Woman"
Tool Box.

pre-qualified experiment participants.

Guided by gifts from the Wise Woman’s Tool Box

Contact: Anastasia Rosen-Jones
Executive Director and Founder 
New Horizons Support Network, Inc.
Cell: 240.409.5347, Email:

Accreditation standards and certification program process now in progress
  • Meets first and third Saturdays monthly (subject to change);
  • Fees required: $10 per student, per session – urged for Frederick County residents, according to ability;
  • Funding by individual donors, corporate sponsors and foundation grants;
  • Application and tuition fees apply to residents outside of Frederick County.
Project training and certification open to all qualified students. 

Join us, if you sincerely want to travel with us – 
and -- have what we are looking for as like-minded kindred spirits,  

Even a bus!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Exploring The Spiritual Side Of Society And Politics And The Gifts of Elders

Listen to our podcast from yesterday's Anastasia The Storyteller Radio Show on 

an inspiring exchange between Anastasia and her honorary daughter Terry on the gifts of elders during challenging times in our society and politics such as we are now experiencing.

Every young adult needs at least one good "Elder" to help light the way. 

Hear Terry's version of how she found her "Elder" in Anastasia and 
the New Horizons Support Network Community

More on  the "spiritual side" of Anastasia and Terry

Monday, November 21, 2016


I am thinking today about the notion of Divine Chaos; how I see it playing out in my personal life and in the greater world around me. Having been completely opposed to Donald Trump as president although not too crazy about Hillary though I thought her extremely capable and “presidential,” I am now stuck, as are millions of others, with adjusting to our new, unwanted reality.

What to do? What to do?

Is this Divine Chaos from which we will all rise in time like the phoenix bird rising?

Or, is this simply the time of Armageddon, the end times awaiting?  Wait and see, wait and see!

One thing for New Horizons and myself to do was, of course, our “Overcoming The Polarization of Politics” conversation last Saturday. My board and myself were gratified with this occasion that permitted us to join with others, in our local community of Frederick, Maryland, to share our immediate thoughts and feelings, about the generally unforeseen election outcome. 

In addition to the open, non-threatening discussions we had, in both small and larger group formats, the outstanding takeaway for me was the opportunity the event gave me of experiencing the resiliency of attendees who were predominantly liberal leaning.

This article in its entirety is posted as follows…

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Be The Leader YOU Want To Follow

Do yourself a favor, especially, if you are having post-election stress, read this article in its entirety.

Yesterday morning I was struck by a CNN headline titled “Baffled Dems Have No Leader, No Bench To Pull From.” Before half a minute I found myself reacting with indignation at the notion. Not long after the words of my esteemed mentor, Martin G. Groder, M.D., echoed in my mind, from years back in the days when I sought out guidance from his brand of wisdom to help me make sense of Watergate and Nixon’s betrayal of the American people. 

The promptings of the CNN article, added to the enormous upheaval facing our nation at this time, led me do my best to lay out a mini set of strategies to help guide my readers, especially the voting youth of our country, through this challenging time.

I hope, if you like what New Horizons and myself have been offering you up until now, you will take the time to read the full version of my article, paying particular attention to the links included in it.  All totaled my article, combined with these links, is on the way to being foundational as a guidebook. 

I doubt I will have time to prepare this guidebook for the worthy "survival manual" it could become. (If someone could assist me in preparing it, I would possible take up the task. But not on my own. The task is too big.So, please do take advantage of the industriousness that went into preparing this one blog article for you.

And, if you are so inspired, let me hear from you with your comments and requests for my personal assistance.  I/We are in this post-election chaos and crisis together -- and --together we must get through it to the other side where the Light is beyond the Dark.

Contact: Anastasia Rosen-Jones
Email: Cell: 240.409.5347

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Healing The Wounds That Divide Us

I want to learn how to now --

“Overcome The Polarization of Politics’

I want to learn, now, how to heal the wounds that divide us.

What about you? 

What do you want, now, that our horrible, awful divisive election campaign is over?

I want to heal the estrangements of humanity in this country, that is why the New Horizons’ Small “Zones of Peace” Project is sponsoring a next Coffee House Conversation focused on --

“Overcoming The Polarization of Politics:
Healing The Wounds That Divide Us”

We have been polarized! No doubt about it!

But polarization does not need to be a way of life! 

Meaningful, bridge building conversation can be your style as it is mine.

That’s the “Zones of Peace” way, the exceptional way, the life as art way.

Frederick Friends Meeting House 
723 N. Market Street

Saturday, November 19, 2016 
2:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Potluck follows program. Bring a dish to share.

A small “zone of peace” can be anywhere.

Why not join us in building one in Frederick’s backyard and beyond? 

Let us now join together in grace; winners or losers!

(Outside area guests also welcome.)

Reserve early, space is limited!
(Donations are encouraged)

For Details and Reservations, Contact: Anastasia Rosen-Jones
Email: Cell: 240.409.5347

Sunday, November 6, 2016

A Most Enlightening (End of) Summer In The Mountains Gathering

Want to warm your heart, read “Shining A Light On New Horizons Council of Elders.”

As we brought our Summer In The Mountains community gatherings to an official close last night, out in the woods at our Beloved fire circle, Paul, my collaborator Sue’s husband, our official videographer of the event, captured the essence of how profound and powerful was this year’s conclusion.  

The grand finale was of Sue and I lighting our “anniversary” cake which says it all in spirit, pictures and Paul’s words –
“From a single candle into a bonfire!"
Paul should know!  He has suffered through it all with us – and – not always silently! Nonetheless, here we all are! 

I (Anastasia) was the single light that started us off. Then “we, like our tiny “struggle” to get our candles lit, struggled to birth something that only our idealistic passions could envision. Now, “we,” like the passion and burning energy of our new “Making Violence Obsolete” movement are the bonfire, shining brighter and brighter, as we take our place in our local community – and – beyond, in giving our best to “thinking global, acting local.” 

Wish us the best, folks. We are here to serve our communities, near and far, in any bridge building that we can. We expect turbulent post-election days ahead. Yet, going beyond our comfort zones, no matter what, is where we will need to stretch.

We must remember that we are all in this U.S.A. together when it comes down to it. 

We are wishing you the best too!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Making Violence Obsolete Debuts Penultimate Conflict Resolution Process

As of Tuesday evening, New Horizons introduced its “Council of Elders” methodology; a primo New Horizons' passageway for trekking to the other side of conflict and the transforming of personal and collective lead into gold, reaching the peak of the Mountain of Awe and other good things.

It’s A Love Bath!

How can resolving a conflict become a “love bath”? 

Check it out for yourself. That’s how you can come to “know” it. 

One thing it isn’t, however, is akin to our national politics!

There is no way that a group of humans can easily, imperfect as we are, make the proper advances, to grow and become more than we started off being. Yet conflict resolution, community-style, offers one of the best, most scenic routes we know!  And, in our mode, the most loving!  Tough love that it is!

So in our view, that’s the deal; conflict resolution, community-style, for evolving one’s consciousness and the behaviors that support the higher levels of human functioning; the transforming of the lead of our innate humanity into the gold of our living potential.

So how do we attain such riches?

The full truth here is that you really have to live it to know it. But I will give you a few glimpses of the landscape here, New Horizons style. 

At New Horizons conflict resolution is the foremost vehicle that enables said changes. Based on our decade’s old procedures of conducting intra-community “truth and reconciliation” processes the results are, over time, nearly miraculous, or so it seems. 

Certainly our methodology has, over the past forty years plus, transformed the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of individuals, relationships and families.

You can tell we are very proud of this!  Right?

However there are so many layers of complexity to the overall process; so many twists and turns that it takes, that I am not going to be able to readily create a clear picture of all that our finely honed methodology incorporates. Nonetheless, I offer you the following highlights achieved so far as we begin getting off the ground with our latest endeavor. 

In summary, here is how our adventure is unfolding, along with some of the key New Horizon’s principles at play. 
  • Our experiment which is having its first “official” session tomorrow held its very first “Truth and Reconciliation” effort (i.e. the Council of Elders) Tuesday evening;
  • This was brought about due to one of our members having a conflict with me (Anastasia), calling into play the serious preparation for and implementation of a “Council of Elders” meeting, conducted for four long, intense hours (in addition to all the prep time and post processing needed);
  • Principle: The assembling of a “Truth and Reconciliation” meeting (i.e. the Council of Elders) to guide and direct the alchemy of “lead into gold” is our almost highest endeavor on the pathway of “Making Violence Obsolete.” (The very highest is our weekend/week long “Truth or Dare Game,” formerly called the “Discount Derby. To be introduced/re-introduced in some, not as yet defined future.)
  • Principle: With this undertaking, our basic “experiment” premise can be realized. 
“The Premise” is this --
"Violence “could” become obsolete, “someday”, if we start, now, doing more and more of the right things and, together, stop doing the “wrong” ones!”
Nothing that we know of can spotlight the "what not to do" and the "what to do" as impactfully as this process.

What our process has accomplished so far ---
  • Conflict between a community member and Anastasia aired publicly (in our New Horizons counterculture community “public).”
  • Subtle violence in a moderately abusive couple’s relationship within our budding community was re-routed (merely first baby steps taken but steps nonetheless) via the process of the guidance and role modeling of our "Community Elders” and a more public airing of that relationship than formerly and its hurtful dynamics (i.e. it “takes a village.”)
  • Our budding community beginning to coalesce as a “real” community entity (no pain, no real gain).
  • Role modeling of our “lean in legacy template” process, was seen in action and became clearer to community members as to how to live it. 
  • The notions of “leadership as a lifestyle” and “communication and relationship as art" became more tangible through the personal and collective experience of our process;
Wondering what really occurred in a visual and experiential way? 

Well we know this is a good bit vague here but we anticipate being able to bring our "Council of Elders" process to you via YouTube sometime in the future.

Nonetheless, for now, I will plan on filling in some of the details on this site and the challenges and rewards as they unfold.

The best way, however, to know for yourself that the “pain is worth the gain” (i.e. a “love bath”) of such a process is to join in with our developing “Making Violence Obsolete” movement and our Counterculture Community Development Experiment if you qualify.

Here is how you can get involved.

For details and information:
Contact Anastasia at 240.409.5347
or email us at:

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

End of Summer In The Mountains at New Horizons Harper's Ferry Retreat Center

Endings and beginnings play a prominent role this coming weekend as eight full months of monthly gatherings at New Horizons Harper's Ferry Retreat Center wrap up the 2016 Season. New beginnings also mark the event when core group members, who have already been getting a taste of what’s coming in New Horizons new Counterculture Community Development Experiment, holds their first “official” coming together event.

Interested in finding out you can join the unfolding action and emerging “Making Violence Obsolete” training program?

For details and information, 
Contact Anastasia at 240.409.5347
or email us at: