Thursday, May 16, 2013

Awe is such a hard mountain to climb

Living, as I do, on the side of a mountain -- and -- having grown accustomed, as I have, to a trek, now and again, to the peak, I have long grown accustomed to the effort required to physically climb to that high point.  On a far more regular basis, I am totally familiar with the climb to the metaphorical “Mountain of Awe” in my mind. I make that climb, or attempt it, almost each and every day. Sometimes I reach the peak, sometimes not.
(Actually the “mountain” that New Horizons is situated on is, comparatively. more like a hill, if truth be told. But West Virginians are not inclined to go on record as being the “hill state” rather than the “mountain state.)

I think, if I remember correctly, that I began the discipline of my daily trek to the top of the Mountain of Awe in my mind as the only way I could find to survive the ordeal of losing my eyesight and recovering from the challenge. I could find no other way to manage it so I did this. And, obviously, I did manage the test and am now returned, sufficiently, to tell of the adventure and guide others to the peak. 
But I might not have noticed, however, that I am now attracting growing numbers of other adventurers to travel with me/us on a similar adventure that is collective as well as personal.

For almost fifteen long years I have relentlessly sought this peak; the top of the Mountain of Awe. Goodness that is so many years to keep climbing that one mountain and sometimes it all has been so very tiring.
This morning Sue reminded me, however, that my unshakable dedication to the vision that reaching this peak represents (and sharing the experience with others) is being realized even as I speak here.

As New Horizons now moves forward to re-open the doors of our retreat center, June 22, and bring back to life the ways of “old” New Horizons and what it has become since its marriage in 1999 to the ancient teachings of Murat Yagan’s heritage, according to his guidance, we hope you will want to join us as we carry our mission forth; New Horizons’ contribution to our brave new world. Such as it is and can be.
Our mission is --
To educate and train individuals and groups to create Small “Zones Of Peace” wherever they go wherein violence, deceit and denial will ultimately become obsolete.
Our methodology includes principles articulated on these pages –

Be cautioned, however, these documents will only describe “about” the experience. To “know it,” you will have to learn “about it” and live it. We hope you will want to do this with us.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting and extensive blog, Stash/Sue.

    Mike C
