New Horizons Counter Culture Development Experiment begins
officially with this gathering!
(End of) Summer In The Mountains
Next (and final of season) scheduled date: November 5
A Community-Building Work Day and Potluck Dinner at --
New Horizons’ Harpers Ferry Retreat Center
Our schedule will be as follows –
- 11:15: – Gather and settle in;
- 11:30 – 1:30: Community development seminar, interactive , discussion. Lead by Anastasia;
- 1:30 – 2:00: Lunch break;
- 2:00 – 4:30: Retreat Center remodeling projects along with practical applications of our “exceptional community” development approach. (Optional)
- 4:30 – 5:30 – Interactive assessing of applied community development skills.
- 5:30 – on: Relax, dinner, hangin’ out, campfire and more hangin’ out

For details and reservation*
contact Anastasia at 240.409.5347
contact Anastasia at 240.409.5347
or email us at:
*Be sure to check to see if you are eligible to attend this gathering. It will be open only to “experiment” participants and closed to the general public.
On Our Elegant Solutions For Supporting Our Efforts
Did you know you can support New Horizons’ Conversations Projects by making In Kind Gift donations to our Harpers Ferry Retreat Center Remodeling Project?
We need your time, your talent – and – your treasures, all of which can be contributed by your joining us for our (End of) Summer In The Mountains event at our Harper’s Ferry Retreat Center.
Your In Kind Gifts are fully tax deductible! It’s a real win-win deal.
Talk to Sue deVeer, our Remodeling Chairperson, about how she can place your “trash” on ebay to help you and us! She can help you sell your treasures on ebay for our benefit and yours. Sue’s cell number is 240.367.4403.